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WSU Course Reviews

Washington State University - Pullman

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 171[QUAN] Calculus I2.
CPTS 350Design and Analysis of Algorithms33343
HISTORY 305[ROOT] Roots of Contemporary Issues For Transfer Students3.
MATH 273Calculus III3.5244.52
ECONS 102[SSCI] Fundamentals of Macroeconomics4.54332
ME 116Engineering Computer-aided Design and Visualization4.52.544.52
CHEM 105[PSCI] Principles of Chemistry I1.5211.52
CPTS 360Systems Programming C/C++3.51442
ACCTG 230Introduction to Financial Accounting2.52.5122
BIOLOGY 102[BSCI] General Biology4.54.5432
CPTS 223Advanced Data Structures C/C++42441
HONORS 280Contextual Understanding in the Arts and Humanities44431
MKTG 360Marketing44321
MATH 202[QUAN] Calculus for Business and Economics44231
ECONS 335[QUAN] Business Finance Economics12111
ECONS 350Introduction to Farm and Ranch Management54551
ECONS 101[SSCI] Fundamentals of Microeconomics44431
BA 100Introduction to Business34211
MIS 250Managing Information Technology43431
MIS 372[M] Data Management52341
ECONS 450[M] Advanced Farm and Ranch Management44541
BA 102Exploring Careers in Business34211
AFS 201Systems Skills for Agricultural and Food Systems35121
JAPANESE 307Intermediate Speaking and Listening32451
CPTS 453Graph Theory53441
HISTORY 300[M] Writing about History53441
CRMJ 320Criminal Law33441
HBM 101Professional and Career Development for the Business World44411
COM 275Communication Seminar34121
CE 211Statics53551
CHEM 345Organic Chemistry I52441
BIOLOGY 107[BSCI] Introductory Biology: Cell Biology and Genetics55551
ANIMSCI 205[BSCI] Companion Animal Nutrition55551
ACCTG 231Introduction to Managerial Accounting33331
DTC 101[ARTS] Introduction to Digital Technology & Culture45331
ME 313Engineering Analysis11341
SOILSCI 201[BSCI] Soil: A Living System54221
ANTH 268[BSCI] Sex, Evolution, and Human Nature33331
BLAW 210Law and the Legal Environment of Business52531
ANTH 101[DIVR] Introduction to Anthropology45541
CPTS 302Professional Skills in Computing and Engineering34321
ECONS 302Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis32111
CPTS 581Software Maintenance23321
PSYCH 333Abnormal Psychology54551
PHYSICS 450Introduction to Quantum Mechanics52551
CPTS 260Introduction to Computer Architecture42441
PSYCH 210Psychology as a Science25111
PHYSICS 202Physics for Scientists and Engineers II21411
JAPANESE 101First Semester54551
AERO 101Heritage and Values I53551
CHEM 401Modern Inorganic Chemistry00000
ATHT 565Clinical Application of Rehabilitation in Athletic Training00000
CHEM 543Bioorganic Chemistry00000
CHINESE 305Intermediate Conversation II00000
ANIMSCI 700Master's Research, Thesis, and/or Examination00000
BIOENG 310Introduction to Transport Processes00000
COM 321[DIVR] Intercultural Communication00000
CHEM 220Quantitative Analysis00000
ATHT 464Rehabilitation in Athletic Training00000
CHEM 517Chromatography00000
ANIMSCI 495Research in Animal Sciences00000
CHEM 700Master's Research, Thesis, and/or Examination00000
BA 212Spreadsheets, Data Visualization, and Decision Analysis00000
COM 102[COMM] Public Speaking in the Digital Age00000
AMDT 250Principles of Merchandising00000
BIOENG 435Bioelectric Phenomena and Devices00000
COM 475Communication Seminar00000
COM 504Instructional Practicum00000
COM 552Theories and Methods of Emerging Communication Technology00000
ANTH 303The Anthropology of Religious Experience00000
BIOLOGY 103Science and Scientific Thinking00000
COMJOUR 333[M] Reporting Across Platforms00000
COMJOUR 455Advanced Television Production00000
BIOLOGY 221Exploring Health Careers00000
COMSOC 324[M] Reasoning and Writing00000
COMSTRAT 475Strategic Communication Seminar in Public Relations00000
AERO 411National Security, Leadership, and Commissioning Preparation...00000
AMDT 318Merchandise Buying and Planning00000
ANTH 350[DIVR] Speech, Thought, and Culture00000
BIOLOGY 335[M] Genome Biology00000
COMSTRAT 495Strategic Communication Professional Internship00000
CPTS 111[QUAN] Introduction to Computer Programming00000
BIOLOGY 393[M] Professional Communications in Biology00000
CPTS 355Programming Language Design00000
CPTS 439Critical Infrastructure Security: The Emerging Smart Grid00000
ANTH 464[CAPS] Hormones and Human Reproduction00000
BIOLOGY 432[M] Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles00000
CPTS 479Mobile Application Development00000
CPTS 516Algorithmics00000
BIOLOGY 490[M] Professional Seminar in Physical Therapy00000
CPTS 555Computer Communication Networks00000
CROPSCI 480Plant Genomics and Biotechnology00000
AMDT 450[M] Strategy Planning and Decision Making00000
ANTH 507Advanced Studies in Culture Theory00000
BIOLOGY 499Special Problems00000
CROPSCI 600Special Projects or Independent Study00000
CSSTE 544(Ed Res 567) Discourse Analysis00000
BIOLOGY 546Mutualism and Symbiosis00000
CSTM 332Building Science I00000
CSTM 473Human Productivity in Construction00000