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MSU Course Reviews

Michigan State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ISP 205LVisions of the Universe Laboratory1.
HNF 150Introduction to Human Nutrition34342
CSE 498Collaborative Design (W)11341
CAS 114Creativity and Innovative Entrepreneurship55551
CSE 320Computer Organization and Architecture11531
MTH 103College Algebra12221
HST 489Sem in Digital History (W)13331
GEO 331Geog Canada44441
PHY 231CIntroductory Physics I11121
CSS 110Computer Applications in Agronomy15111
MKT 327Introduction to Marketing54551
PLS 320Judicial Politics11311
ADV 205Principles of Advertising55551
PHY 221Studio Physics for Life Scientists I11221
GEO 330Geography of the United States33321
GEO 215Sports Geography54551
JRN 203Visual Storytelling23221
MTH 411Abstract Algebra II51451
KIN 365Sensorimotor Control21231
EGR 100Introduction to Engineering Design55451
ADV 893Practicum00000
ANS 225Horse Behavior and Welfare00000
AFR 101BElementary African Language I00000
AFRE 821BCross Section Econometrics II00000
AL 366Manage Exp Arch Projects00000
ANS 418Animal Agriculture and the Environment00000
AL 250Career Strategies for Arts and Letters Students00000
ADV 816Fundraising Philan Nonprof Org00000
ANS 148Instructing Horsemanship00000
AE 143Appl Precision Ag Tech00000
AFRE 961Adv Agric Development Econ00000
AFRE 203Data Analysis for the Agri-Food System00000
ANS 300EAnimal Welfare Judging00000
AFRE 932Information Economics and Institutions in Agriculture and Na...00000
AE 153Engine & Equipment Technology00000
AL 999Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
ANS 804Introduction to Quantitative Genetics00000
ANP 325Anthropology of the Environment and Development00000
ANP 439Human Rights00000
AL 893BInternship in Prof Writing00000
ANS 999Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
ANP 815Transnational Processes and Identities00000
ANP 886Fundamentals of Museum Studies00000
ARB 202Second-Year Arabic II00000
ANS 115Meats Technology Clerkship00000
ANS 200EIntroductory Animal Welfare Assessment00000
ACM 467Dvlp/PR Arts/Culture Mgmt00000
AFR 102AElementary Swahili II00000
ANP 320Social and Cultural Theory00000
AS 322LUSAF Leadership Studies II Lab00000
ANS 243Horse Nutrition and Feeding00000
ANS 315Anatomy & Physiology Farm Anml00000
AAAS 100Pathways into AAAS00000
ANS 455Avian Physiology00000
ANS 493Professional Internship in Animal Science00000
AFR 290Independent Study00000
ANP 433Contemp Amer Indian Commun00000
AAE 451Effective Oral Communication for International Teaching Assi...00000
ADV 481Retail Strategy Analysis00000
ANS 122BBeef Cow Calf Clerkship00000
ADV 843Strategic Brand Communication00000
AFRE 891Topics in Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics00000
ADV 921Media Theory00000
ANS 200AIntro Judging Livestock/Carcas00000
AESC 110AES as a Profession00000
ADV 990Independent Study00000
AFR 251Intermediate Individualized African Language I00000
ANS 242Introductory Horse Management00000
AFRE 410Advanced Professional Seminar in Agricultural Food and Resou...00000
AL 101Arts and Letters Freshman Exp00000
AFRE 890Independent Study00000
ANS 334Dairy Management I00000
AIIS 890Ind Study Am Indian Indigenous00000
ACC 850Accounting for Multiunit Enterprises00000
AL 890Independent Study00000
ANS 442Advanced Horse Management00000
ANP 264Great Discoveries Archaeology00000
AL 482Experience Arch Internship00000
ANP 425Issues in Medical Anthropology00000
ANS 816Integrative Toxicology00000
ANP 485Foundations of Museum Studies00000
AESC 210Global Systems00000
ANP 840Biocultural Evolution00000
ANTR 552Medical Neuroscience00000
ANP 999Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
ANP 201Introduction to Cultural Anthropology00000
ANS 147Horse Management Placement Sem00000
AS 111Foundation of the United States Air Force I00000
ANS 211Animal and Product Evaluation00000
ACC 411Auditing00000
ANS 300FAdvanced Dairy Farm Evaluation00000
ASN 352Readings Asian/Asian Am Lit00000
ANS 422Advanced Beef Cattle Feedlot Management00000
ANP 412Method and Practice in Digital00000
ABM 225Commodity Marketing I00000
ANP 455Archaeology of Ancient Egypt00000
ABM 425Commodity Marketing II00000
ACC 250Preparing for an Accounting Career00000
ACM 868NP Law for Arts/Cult Mgmt00000
AFRE 206World Food, Population and Poverty00000