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CSUS Course Reviews

California State University, Sacramento

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSC 131Computer Software Engineering3.734.343
GEOG 109Geographic Information Systems3.542.53.52
GOVT 1Essentials Of Government3.52.5342
PSYC 135Psychology of Multicultural Groups44.5442
SOC 134Sociology of Film55551
GEOG 3Introduction to Maps and Geographic Technologies32231
PSYC 121Methods and Statistics in Psychological Research32451
PSYC 191Ethics in Behavior Analysis54551
GEOL 130Oceanography55431
WOMS 120Mother Woman Person45541
ANTH 4Language, Culture, and Critical Thinking54531
SOC 125Social Inequalities55441
HIST 107History of the Physical Sciences42531
JOUR 30News Writing54441
ENGL 110ALinguistics and the English Language53451
INTD 25Design Fundamentals22431
GEOG 141Geography of Economic Activity45441
GEOG 148Urban and Regional Planning53551
CPE 64Introduction to Logic Design43541
CSC 174Advanced Database Management Systems54551
CRJ 163Leadership in Criminal Justice and Public Safety55531
BIO 100Introduction to Scientific Analysis55351
PSYC 129Behavioral Research Methods43341
MATH 100Applied Linear Algebra55441
GEOG 145Population Geography32231
CSC 135Computing Theory and Programming Languages11421
CSC 190Senior Project: Part I55451
CSC 130Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis32451
BIO 22Introductory Human Anatomy53551
ENGL 20College Composition II53351
GEOG 102Ideas and Skills in Geography32221
HIST 165American Environmental History53551
HIST 166Popular Culture54551
BIO 184General Genetics53531
GEOG 117Landforms44231
ANTH 147Peoples of Southeast Asia43541
GEOG 196UGeography of Housing in the United States43541
GEOG 118Earth Transformed43321
ART 114Topics in Early Modern Art00000
ANTH 151Human Paleontology00000
ART 119Directed Research in Art History00000
ART 125ALife Painting00000
ALS 55AAcademic Strategies-HHS: Criminal Justice 100000
ANTH 158Human Skeletal Analysis00000
ART 150Advanced Ceramics00000
ART 178BPublic Art Studio00000
ANTH 165Applied Anthropology00000
ART 189Sculpture Studio00000
ART 195Fieldwork00000
ACCY 269Taxation of Individuals00000
ALS 57DAcademic Strategies-SSIS: Psychology 200000
ANTH 175Anthropology of Globalization00000
ART 222Studio Critique Seminar00000
ART 297New Media 100000
ANTH 188Anthropology of the Body00000
ASIA 135Contemporary Korean Culture00000
ASTR 4AIntroduction to the Solar System00000
ART 111Latin American and Latino Art History00000
ANTH 146Ethnographic Analysis00000
ART 117CArt of Korea00000
ALS 53AAcademic Strategies-CBA: Accountancy 100000
ART 122BAdvanced Painting00000
ANTH 155Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology00000
ART 145Advanced Printmaking Studio00000
ACCY 264Taxation of Business Entities00000
ART 174Intermediate Jewelry00000
ANTH 161African Cultures and Societies00000
ART 182Intermediate Sculpture00000
ALS 56GAcademic Strategies-NSM: Chemistry 12400000
ART 192BSenior Seminar in Art History00000
ANTH 172Anthropologies of Music00000
ART 198Advanced Electronic Art00000
ACCY 131Survey of Auditing, Attest, and Assurance Topics00000
ART 259Ceramics Studio00000
ANTH 179Observing Primate Behavior00000
ART 599Culminating Exp/Cont Enrollmen00000
ALS 70AStrategies of Learning for EOP Students00000
ASIA 195Internship: Asian Studies00000
ANTH 191Anthropology Practicum00000
AERO 1AHeritage and Values of the United States Air Force I00000
ASTR 6Astronomical Observation Laboratory00000
ALS 195Internship in Arts and Letters00000
ANTH 195AFieldwork in Archaeology00000
ASTR 199Special Problems00000
ATIC 63Men's Track and Field00000
ANTH 201Anthropological Theory00000
ATIC 66Men's Football00000
ATIC 81Women's Golf00000
ANTH 1ABiological Anthropology Laboratory00000
ANTH 203Archaeology00000
ATIC 84Women's Softball00000
ATIC 87Women's Volleyball00000
ANTH 205Ethnology00000
ATIC 167Coaching of Football00000
ACCY 112Intermediate Accounting II00000
ACCY 172Federal Tax Procedures II00000
AERO 99Special Problems00000
BHON 105Introduction to Management Information Systems00000
ANTH 210Research Design in Anthropology Seminar00000
BHON 109Operations Management00000