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Professor Barbara Lograsso Reviews


Class Ratings

2Bad Class
1Very Hard
2Barely Useful

Professor Rating

2Bad Prof

Prof: Barbara Lograsso / Spring 2022

May 13, 2022

Comments on the course

It's a hard class. I lost most of my points because I stopped showing up to lectures. It's painful, but in your best interest to go.

Course Content

It's like statics, but Forces = mass*acceleration, among other things. Get a good hold of angular acceleration and angular velocity when you start learning it. It builds off that a lot. Those who went to office hours seemed to do better and understand more.

Comments on the professor

Prof Lograsso is nice but she flies through the content and rambles through the problem instead of explaining the steps. It's a hard class, but was not made much easier.


Get ahead right away. Learn to make Force-Body Diagrams and Kinetic Diagrams, those don't go away. As well, do homeworks as soon as you can so you understand what's going on. These assignments will take all day if you procrastinate.

Course: ME 345Delivery: In personGrade: CWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Attendance Heavy