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Depaul Course Reviews

DePaul University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSC 361Optimized C++51553
CSC 241Introduction To Computer Science I434.353
CRIM 101Introduction To The Criminal Legal System54.544.52
HSP 100Introduction To Hospitality55442
CSC 373Computer Systems I42542
ENG 201Introduction To Creative Writing4.54432
LSP 110Discover Chicago44.53.542
CMN 103Intercultural Communication4.543.542
CMN 101Introduction To Human Communication443.542
JOUR 275Introduction To Journalism4.5433.52
PSC 120The American Political System3.53.53.522
PSC 260Law And The Political System4.53.5432
WRD 104Composition And Rhetoric II44.532.52
CHE 134General Chemistry III221.51.52
HST 252The Age Of The Cold War: 1945-199155541
CMN 104Public Speaking43451
MAT 151Calculus II52551
PSC 230Classical Political Thought53551
PSC 140Introduction To International Relations32321
PSC 261First Amendment Rights52551
HON 104Religious Worldviews And Ethical Perspectives43311
HON 100Rhetoric And Critical Inquiry45351
HST 171Europe, 400-140053531
MAT 152Calculus III52551
ANT 105Anthropology Through Film55451
CSC 347Concepts Of Programming Languages11111
CSC 355Database Systems33241
CSC 300Data Structures I31331
MAT 262Linear Algebra53451
MAT 140Discrete Mathematics I44451
MAT 100Introduction To Quantitative Reasoning44341
CSC 243Python For Programmers43341
ART 225Beginning Photography53531
SPN 104Intermediate Spanish I44351
LSP 120Quantitative Reasoning & Technological Literacy I34331
HST 113The World, 1900-Present33321
HON 102History In Global Contexts43421
REL 223Literature And The Sacred55551
ART 218Figure Drawing55551
PHL 233Issues In Sex And Gender35211
CSC 374Computer Systems II11121
PSY 106Introductory Psychology II54441
FCH 104Intermediate French I45551
PSY 353Abnormal Psychology45341
GEO 233Comparative Urbanism33121
CSC 242Introduction To Computer Science II32441
ART 394Professional Practice In The Studio00000
ANI 3393D Texturing And Lighting00000
BADM 209The Heart Of The Entrepreneur00000
BBE 300Teaching Elementary English Language Learners: Theory, Polic...00000
AI 217Mindfulness Meditation00000
ANI 357Hybrid Animation00000
BBE 316Sociocultural And Historical Perspectives In Bilingual Educa...00000
BIO 104Evolution And Society00000
ANT 102Cultural Anthropology00000
BIO 126Brain And Behavior00000
BIO 191General Biology I For Science Majors00000
ART 377Photojournalism00000
ANI 3303D Character Modeling00000
ASL 201Advanced Communication I00000
AI 201Dying And Death: Facing Mortality, Celebrating Life00000
BADM 288Marketing For The Social Good00000
ANI 345Character Design00000
BBE 305Theoretical Foundations In Bilingual Early Childhood Develop...00000
ACC 393Internship In Accountancy00000
BBE 366First And Second Language Acquisition00000
ANI 390Topics In Animation00000
BIO 120The Science And Art Of Vision00000
AI 282Leisure For Well-Being00000
BIO 155Introduction To Biology With Laboratory00000
ACT 215Plays About Sports00000
AI 322Problems And Issues In Contemporary Ethics00000
ANT 120Science Of Archaeology00000
BIO 235Evolution00000
BIO 206Biostatistics00000
AAS 253Asian Politics00000
BIO 310Vertebrate Physiology00000
ANT 272Introduction To Medical Anthropology00000
BIO 319Topics In Behavioral Parasitology00000
BIO 381Topics In Cancer00000
AMS 240Chicago History, Geography, And Cultures00000
ANT 374Anthropology And Museums00000
BIO 395Biology Capstone Seminar00000
CCA 152Exploring The Art Museum00000
ANT 396Senior Capstone Seminar00000
CCA 170Creativity And Entrepreneurship00000
CCA 181Creating Original Digital Art00000
ACT 242Stage Direction For Non-Majors00000
AMS 293Topics In American Material Culture And The Built Environmen...00000
APB 170Trumpet00000
CCA 185The Beatles And The Creative Process00000
CCA 217Mindfulness Meditation00000
APM 124English Diction00000
CCA 322Problems And Issues In Contemporary Ethics00000
CCH 110Essentials Of Training And Development00000
AMS 296Topics In American Popular Culture And Media00000
APM 225Italian Diction II00000
CCH 118Making Social Change: The Legacy Of The 1960's00000
CCH 201Dying And Death: Facing Mortality, Celebrating Life00000
APM 340Orchestral Repertoire For Strings I00000