Professor Barbara P Cameron Reviews
Class Ratings
Prof: Barbara P Cameron / Fall 2020
Dec 18, 2020
It was a seminar course done over Zoom. There was lots of reading involved, sometimes over 100 pages a week for a class. However, due to her liking smaller class sizes, she ended up splitting the class up into two sections and running basically two separate seminars. It was required to do 3 reflections out of any of the weeks' readings, 1 paper proposal, weekly participation marks, and then a ~15-page paper. Overall, it wasn't a bad course. I liked her and the topics. It certainly is not an easy course.
Write notes on the readings as you read them including summarizing concepts mentioned in the papers. You will be asked about different opinions within the different readings and/or about the different topics mentioned in the readings. Because there is such a large amount of material some weeks, it's just better to have your notes prepared for class.