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Professor Adam Zahler Reviews


Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Adam Zahler / Fall 2019

Jul 15, 2022

Comments on the course

This class allows you to receive credit for working on the technical/backstage side of theater productions at WSU. It's a fun experience and it's one of the only classes you can take as many times as you want. If you have a specific interest in helping out in a certain area, you definitely have some leeway in where you can work on the show (but ultimately they will place you according to needs for the production).

Course Content

Stagehand work, costumes, light/soundboard operation, scene construction, etc. Great skills to learn if you're looking to get into the industry. Also, Adam is one of the professors you sign up for the class under, but you're under the guidance and direction of all the theatre faculty as you work on the show.


While the class only meets a few times through early-mid semester, attendance and participation is really important during late afternoon/evening rehearsals towards the end of the semester- especially once tech week and the final production come up. Make sure you're able to commit to working on the show once this time comes, otherwise your grade might not be so great.

Course: TH 321Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: No
Attendance HeavyParticipation Heavy