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Professor Alexandro Castellanos Reviews


Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
3Avg. Difficulty

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Alexandro Castellanos / Spring 2022

Jun 6, 2022

Comments on the course

An interesting class that teaches you the basics of digital logic and prepares you for the lab that you will take the next semester.

Course Content

Goes over the basics of digital logic which is basically combinational and sequential logic. Throughout you have 3 hands-on projects which the professor gives a lot of help and you also have multiple homework assignments to complete. The exams are relatively easy and are exactly like the questions you go over in the lecture. The content in this class will be used for the lab you take after so be sure to understand everything now so you don't get destroyed in the lab.

Comments on the professor

Castellanos is great, he explains everything in a way that makes sense and shows you exactly what you need to do to solve any problem you can be given. The class also has videos and extra notes on canvas if you missed anything in the lecture.


Go to every lecture and take notes and you will pass. Everything you will learn builds on previous concepts so be sure to understand what has been discussed and take the class seriously.

Course: EEL 3705Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Optional
Exam HeavyProject Heavy