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uOttawa Course Reviews

University of Ottawa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MAT 1320Calculus I43.333.84
CSI 3104Introduction to Formal Languages4.5443.34
CHM 2120Organic Chemistry II53.3553
ANP 1105Human Anatomy and Physiology I42.744.33
MAT 1341Introduction to Linear Algebra4244.33
ITI 1120Introduction to Computing I4.533.54.52
PHY 2323Electricity and Magnetism53.5552
CHM 1721Chimie organique I4.52.543.52
CEG 3185Introduction to Data Communications and Networking42.54.53.52
CSI 3140WWW Structures, Techniques and Standards3.5534.52
ECO 1104Introduction to Microeconomics3.543.53.52
PSY 1101Introduction to Psychology: Foundations434.54.52
POL 2101Introduction to Canadian Politics43341
ADM 3345Taxation I11241
ANP 1505Anatomie humaine et physiologie I11241
ESP 3934Spain in its literature, (20th-21st centuries)52551
ESP 3943Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics44551
GNG 1103Engineering Design43451
PHI 2397Business Ethics55431
SEG 3101Software Requirements Analysis45241
SEG 3125Analysis and Design of User Interfaces55551
CSI 3120Programming Language Concepts34321
HSS 2502Communication et santé44331
CLA 1102Roman Civilization53541
MAT 1702Méthodes mathématiques II32341
PHI 2174Ethics43431
FLS 3771Grammaire des textes universitaires53551
POL 2504Introduction à la politique comparée54551
ECO 1502Introduction à la macroéconomie32341
ENG 1112Technical Report Writing22121
HIS 2182Women in Canada13411
ELG 5161Robotics: Control, Sensing and Intelligence42551
ANT 1101Social and Cultural Anthropology55431
ITI 1121Introduction to Computing II21141
ELG 5228Mobile Robotics41441
AHL 3300Creativity and Innovation45311
POL 1101Introduction to Political Science42441
APA 1313Musculoskeletal Anatomy53551
ECO 2144Microeconomic Theory I55451
APA 2140Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology33331
ESP 2911Contemporary Spanish Culture43551
HSS 3101Health Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches34231
CHG 3337Data Collection and Interpretation54551
MAT 2384Ordinary Differential Equations and Numerical Methods45341
BIO 1300The Human Animal33131
CSI 3105Design and Analysis of Algorithms I24241
SRS 1110Witchcraft, Magic and Occult Traditions44321
MAT 1362Mathematical Reasoning and Proofs21441
BIO 2137Introduction to Plant Science32421
ENG 2301The Writing Process55551
ECO 1302Contemporary Macroeconomic Issues12321
APA 2120Motor Control and Learning55551
HSS 1100Microbiology and Immunology53541
PHI 1101Reasoning and Critical Thinking53551
POL 2103Introduction to International Relations and Global Politics45441
ENG 2303Introduction to Writing Prose Fiction55551
ADM 1340Financial Accounting33231
SRS 2393Religion and Death32321
SEG 2900Professional Communication and Responsibility55331
BIO 2129Ecology45311
GNG 2101Introduction to Product Development and Management for Engineers and Computer Scientists14331
MCG 4139Computational Methods in Fluid and Heat Transfer53531
MAT 2322Calculus III for Engineers44331
MAT 1371Descriptive Statistics55431
CSI 3131Operating Systems43441
MAT 1322Calculus II32331
ART 3180Art After Modernism: 1945-197800000
CMN 3505Éthique des médias00000
ART 4987Professional Practices in Art00000
ART 4989From Studio to Exhibition00000
FEM 2109Gender and Globalization in a Transnational World00000
CMN 3509Théories approfondies en communication00000
ART 4929Sculpture/Media Studio00000
ART 2913Painting and Image I: Materiality and Process00000
JOU 3700Théories du journalisme00000
ART 2916Painting and Context II: Space and Site00000
ART 2951Drawing I: Materiality and Process00000
FLS 2761Mieux écrire en français00000
POL 3144Comparative Politics: Africa00000
FRA 2700Développer sa méthode de travail00000
ART 3916Painting and Source I: Issues of Representation00000
ART 3952Drawing III: Analytical Drawing00000
FRA 3704Éditique I : le texte et l'image00000
ART 2932Digital Photography Workshop I00000
ART 2935Mise en scène: Lighting on Location and in the Studio00000
SOC 4314Gender Relations, Development and Globalization00000
FRA 2540Fictions de l'aventure00000
ART 3934Hybrid Photographic Methods00000
ART 2923Sculpture in Transformation: Materiality and Process00000
FRA 2545Littérature et culture de l'Ontario français00000
ART 2925Elements of Contemporary Sculpture00000
ART 3927Relational Sculpture00000
ESL 2391Community-Based Language Learning00000
FLS 2791Enrichissement du français par l’engagement communautaire00000
AHL 2120Special Topics in Animal Studies I00000
FRA 4580Littérature et société00000
ART 2942Lively Spaces and Objects - Fundamentals of Interactivity00000
ART 3944Electronic Media Art00000
FRA 4589La langue dans le texte littéraire00000
ART 3116Art and New Technologies00000