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Professor Hiroko Tadano Reviews


Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

3OK Prof

Prof: Hiroko Tadano / Spring 2022

Jun 5, 2022

Comments on the course

The class really expands on what you learn in Japanese 113. Learning more kanji, more self introduction details, more complex grammar. As long as you participate in class you’ll have no problem with the homework and assignments. But attendance is very important, I missed several classes and had to do a lot of notetaking to catch up

Comments on the professor

Tadano sensei is a very capable professor, but not the most understanding professor. Even if you miss class due to an emergency or any situation, she will not let you make up a quiz even if it negatively affects your grade. Not as helpful as other teachers in the Japanese department. A bit more dry.


Make sure to take Japanese 113 before you take this class. If you test into the class, try to do some research on what is covered in Japanese 113. Study lessons 1-4 in Genki 1. Make sure you can read hiragana and katakana well.

Course: JPN 114Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes
Attendance HeavyAssignment HeavyQuiz HeavyExam Heavy