Professor Nabil Matar Reviews
Class Ratings
1Awful Class
1Very Hard
1Very Boring
2Barely Useful
Prof: Nabil Matar / Spring 2021
Sep 4, 2021
Comments on the course
My course was focused on Arabic literature. Hated the topic, had to read 8 books, read extra literature and write a long research paper. Definitely not worth your time. Had a horrible experience and would not recommend you take it.
Comments on the professor
Professor is really into the topic of Arabian literature works and pushes that enthusiasm on you, even though the subject is super boring and dry. He is stubborn and would not give over a B on any essay to anybody in the class, even if he doesn't find any mistakes in your work. Seeks active participation in the class, and calls people randomly during lecture to answer a question.
Dont take it