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Professor Sumner Reviews


Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Kinda Interesting

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Sumner / Spring 2022

Aug 22, 2022

Comments on the course

Professor Sumner can be hard, but she was exactly what I needed to pass. Sure, she gives a little more work (PLAs and ALQs rather than just PLAs and discussion work looks different) but this kind of reinforcement is how I was able to pass this class. Stay on top of your work, ask questions, be involved, and you will succeed

Course Content

Sumner's PPT slides >>> Harris. She includes extra practice questions and I felt there was generally more information. She does give more work so be prepared for chemistry assignments almost every single day of the semester (PLAs, ALQs, discussion worksheets and quizzes, etc). Bpth SUmner and Harris give a grade worth ~2% of the final grade on iClicker accuracy: sounds like nothing but it can make or break you passing/failing, so I'd pay attention.

Comments on the professor

I really liked her. Opinions of her vary, but I felt like she gave me all of the tools I needed to succeed. By showing up to class (in person) and participting in the iClicker questions, it helped me learn the material better. She ALWAYS goes over how to do the iClickers and takes the time to go over any questions (queen). I felt that she genuinely cared about how her students did in her class which is why she was hard and calloused at times.


Pay attention, show up to class, do the iClicker, ask questions, do the homeworks, and you will succeed.

Course: CHM 2045Delivery: In personGrade: BWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Participation HeavyEssay Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Sumner / Spring 2023

May 20, 2023

Comments on the course

Although Sumner gives a lot of work, I believe her resources do help you understand the material. The first few weeks of her class are very daunting, but you will later figure out how to plan ahead and it will get easier.

Course Content

The class content covers a lot of the general chemistry material which is useful for pre-health majors (I think it's a prerequisite class for most majors though). The first 2 tests are very math-based, but the last one is more conceptual. There is a final for this class as well.

Comments on the professor

She gives a lot of work and goes very fast during her lectures. Given the flex nature of the class, you mainly have to use the textbook as your way of learning the material.


I would say make sure you fully understand each question she gives you, whether it's on the PLA/ALQ, worksheets, or quizzes. Studying the worksheets and quizzes are very helpful for the test because they contain similar questions.

Course: CHM 2045Delivery: HybridGrade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Participation HeavyQuiz HeavyAssignment HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Interesting
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

2Bad Prof

Prof: Sumner / Fall 2021

Sep 1, 2022

Comments on the course

Mostly it was just a loooot of work. I cried over it in the first month. Spent at least an hour or two on homework after every lecture. I had this class at 7:25 in the morning and let me tell you never do that to yourself. Participation and attendance were required and it sucked.

Comments on the professor

There was an assignment before lecture, a long assignment after lecture, and you had to read the textbook. Like, you actually had to because she didn't always cover everything you needed to know in lecture. You had to attend every class even though I felt like her lectures weren't very helpful because of participation questions. The iClickers were also much harder than I've had in other classes. Sumner herself also would make mistakes doing basic arithmetic.


Be prepared to spend HOURS on this class outside of lecture every week.

Course: CHM 2045Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Assignment HeavyParticipation HeavyAttendance Heavy

Class Ratings

3OK Class
1Very Hard
2Barely Useful

Professor Rating

3OK Prof

Prof: Sumner / Spring 2022

Jun 28, 2022

Comments on the course

This course is hard af and I found it really difficult to follow her lectures mainly because conceptually wise-- there's a lot thrown at you in an hour class. I could never absorb the content at hand so I just stopped attending lecture and had to hard-grind self study by relearning the math from hw/quizzes and concepts skimming the textbook. However, you SHOULD PAY ATTENTION TO HER ICLICKER WALKTHROUGHS/DEMOS because it helps you with hw/quizzes/pla. But dang do they take a load of time to complete.

Course Content

You're not going to need to know any of this for chem 2. (Nice foundation though)

Comments on the professor

Dr. Sumner will throw in one exam designed to be extremely difficult/hard. You can manage a good grade in the class even if you bomb one exam--- so don't be too hard on yourself.


Study Edge helps if you struggle with organization. While you can still do well without it, it helps highlight key concepts + has good explanations. Good luck y'all

Course: CHM 2045Delivery: HybridGrade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Optional
Quiz HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Sumner / Spring 2021

Sep 7, 2021

Comments on the course

It's definitely a rigorous course, so I would recommend taking Intro to Chem if you haven't taken chem since sophomore year of HS like me, because I would've died without that foundational knowledge. Do tons of practice problems!

Comments on the professor

Choose Sumner, she gives a lot of homework but it basically forces you to study so when the exam comes around you're already pretty prepared.

Suggest a professor


Course: CHM 2045Grade: A+Workload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Sumner / Spring 2023

Aug 11, 2023

Comments on the course

I took intro to chem so I really didn't need to do much in terms of learning content for the first exam as it was almost entirely covered in intro. For the second exam, and I can't stress this enough, GO TO OFFICE HOURS. The calorimetry was difficult but having her explain it one on one was helpful. And, if there were any grading issues or questions about homework or even worksheet and PLA quizzes, she would help with those. The content was fairly useful but you had to read the textbook before class as it is flipped. Sometimes she would spend too much time on silly problems so that we didn't get to practice the difficult ones as much, but that wasn't really a problem. For the first few chapters, she would only do straight clicker questions in class, but afterwards she started to primarily more

Comments on the professor

I liked her I went to her office hours a few times and I sat in the front left so the TAs were nearby if we ever had a question on the clicker questions. Sumner answered her emails and I honestly liked her though that's an unpopular opinion. She does have an accent but I feel she's easy to understand though her handwriting is just not good.


Study, do your work on time, and make yourself known to Dr. Sumner. She's more inclined to help you out if she knows who you are. I was able to end the class with over 100 (the final has extra credit) without Study Edge/Smokin Notes because I did all the assignments, went to office hours, asked questions, did past exam questions til I understood them, and did some of the optional homework for the modules I was confused on. Really just apply yourself and find a study schedule/method that works for you and you'll pass.

Course: CHM 2045Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

2Bad Class
1Very Hard
3Kinda Interesting
2Barely Useful

Prof: Sumner / Fall 2021

Dec 10, 2021

Comments on the course

Super work intensive. Flipped classroom so you have to learn everything on your own

Course: CHM 2045Delivery: Hybrid

Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Sumner / Fall 2021

Dec 15, 2021

Comments on the course

Critical tracking for many majors, but was harder than I expected. Definitely lives up to the "weed-out" class stereotype and had many friends withdraw from Sumner's class.

Comments on the professor

Cons: lots and lots of homework and assignments each week so be prepared to spend around 10 hours each week for just chem lecture and assignments. Pros: Sumner is actually not a bad teacher and will help you to understand the material through all the assignments and in office hours.


If your other classes aren't as heavy workload or content wise, Sumner is manageable. Otherwise, go with Harris and get Study Edge.

Course: CHM 2045Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Exam Heavy

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
3Kinda Interesting
2Barely Useful

Professor Rating

3OK Prof

Prof: Sumner / Winter 2022

May 30, 2023

Comments on the course

I thought this class was pretty light. Maybe I'm just a cracked student or wahtever

Course: CHM 2045Delivery: OnlineGrade: D+Workload: LightTextbook Use: Yes
Assignment HeavyQuiz Heavy