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Professor Sonia San Juan Reviews


Class Ratings

1Awful Class
3Avg. Difficulty
1Very Boring

Professor Rating

3OK Prof

Prof: Sonia San Juan / Spring 2023

Mar 15, 2023

Comments on the course

i hated it; way too much work to learn very little.

Course Content

firstly, the syllabus is basically incomplete; its missing major aspects and the syllabus quiz then asks for stuff u wont have the answer to lol. the course covers a bunch of topics such as clothes, storytelling, and art. each unit (this course covers 10-18) consists of a stupid amount of assignments (prep, quizzes, readings, etc.) then a project (usually these are awful and learning how to use video services, create stories, make timelines, etc. takes longer than actually doing it in spanish), an exam (usually fairly difficult but not awful), and in the later units extra practice assignments. you also have to do reflections after each unit in canvas, 12 linguameetings (u meet with a language coach and speak spanish for 15 min), a final (u have to create slideshow with u talking about ur more

Comments on the professor

prof sonia san juan was fine. it was online so it could have been a dog on the other end and i wouldnt have noticed. u can reach out to her for help if u need (she says, i never did)


prepare for an awful semester honestly. maybe come to college with credit for it or take a clep to get out of it. gl tho

Course: SPN 1131Delivery: OnlineGrade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Assignment HeavyProject HeavyExam Heavy