Professor Renee Martin-kratzer Reviews
Class Ratings
Prof: Renee Martin-kratzer / Fall 2021
Dec 11, 2021
A huge wake-up call for my grammar and writing skills. I found out how little I knew about grammar very quickly, but also learned/corrected those mistakes quickly because the professor was so great. Definitely a necessity for any student, especially one looking to pursue communication.
Grammar rules and how to correctly apply them in different styles of writing/communicating
She was great! She provided great feedback on the few assignments we had to turn in and she offered a couple of highly informative review sessions prior to major exams. She also was quick to reply to emails and help you with any issues. She is clearly an experienced teacher and knows how to word things to make them sound easy and not talk to you like you're dumb.
Take good notes, take your time on those notes and taking the quizzes, STUDY FOR THE EXAMS, forget every grammar rule you learned previously
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Renee Martin-kratzer / Spring 2023
May 22, 2023
You'll learn so much, it's definitely stuff that will stick with you forever.
Grammar but going back and reconstructing everything you've ever known
She's honestly so sweet and wants you to do well
Get ready to join the struggle bus and question your entire education
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Renee Martin-kratzer / Fall 2022
Dec 20, 2022
Can be boring but can also be very tough, depending on how experienced you are with the concepts.
Lots of media work using the programs within the Adobe Cloud.
Slow grader, but very kind, patient.
just stay on top of the work and ask questions