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Professor Amie Kreppel Reviews


Class Ratings

2Bad Class
3Kinda Interesting
2Barely Useful

Professor Rating

3OK Prof

Prof: Amie Kreppel / Fall 2021

Apr 8, 2022

Comments on the course

hard class. cool material sometimes but it was extremely specific to where it got boring at times and was just too much reading so I didn’t really retain much. all grades were pretty much exams with a participation grade and a HW inquisitive grade (easy tho). the exams were weirdly worded, with repeats and just issues of the sorts that made it frustrating at times.

Course Content

political structures of countries and comparing them.

Comments on the professor

Dr. Kreppel was okay. she’s very nice and lectures well, but her exams were hard and confusingly worded to where I would study for days and still do average, and that sucked since exams were my whole grade.


exams are multiple choice

Course: CPO 2001Delivery: In personGrade: BWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Exam HeavyParticipation Heavy

Class Ratings

1Awful Class
1Very Hard
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

1Awful Prof

Prof: Amie Kreppel / Fall 2021

Dec 21, 2021

Comments on the course

A lot of reading. 75% of your grade are exams, which contain very niche questions.

Course Content

Don’t take it if your not a Political Science freshman with an easy Gen Ed schedule.

Comments on the professor

Taught, gave awfully hard exams in short time intervals, very messy too with repeat questions and contradictory questions.


If this is your political science critical tracking requirement, don’t take the class. Just take POT, INR, and POS. Too much work for an intro level class.

Course: CPO 2001Delivery: In personGrade: Not sure yetWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Exam HeavyParticipation HeavyAttendance Heavy