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MAC 2312

Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2

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Reviews 16

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Kinda Interesting

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Stephen Adam / Fall 2022

Aug 22, 2023

Comments on the course

Definitely, the hardest calculus class based on the concepts alone, but it's very fair for what it is.

Course Content

Mainly series which is important for further classes down the line.

Comments on the professor

The professor was great and very good at explaining the material if you go to the lectures and make sure to study you should be fine.


Study Edge is a big help. Also, don't freak out if you struggle with the homework, those problems are designed to be more difficult than what's on the exams and quizzes.

Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: No
Quiz HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
1Very Hard
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Kwai-lee Chui / Spring 2023

Apr 30, 2023

Comments on the course

I had to spent at least 2-3 hours working on lecture quizzes and homework in order to prepare myself for the exams. I felt that it was so much work for each work and almost every week you have quiz, which is proctored by Honorlock and at times it could be very tricky if you fall behind on the lectures. Calc 2 was brutally difficult and I see why most considered this a major STEM weed out course. Exams were tough because I got a 93% on the Exam 1, a 88% on Exam 2, a 80% on Exam 3, but managed to get a 90% on the final.

Course Content

Basically 37 lectures in total. Exam 1 content was focused solely on integration techniques. Exam 2 content was focused on convergence of sequences and series. Exam 3 content was focused on power series (Taylor and Maclaurin series), parametric equations, and polar coordinates. Volume wasn't included until the final. Finding the polar area between two curves was the most challenging for me because sometimes it's frustrating when you get the bounds of the integral incorrect and series was confusing at times especially when you have to remember just because a sequence converges to 0, that you won't necessarily know if the series converges or diverges.

Comments on the professor

Honestly Chui was probably the best prof you could get for Calc 2. She was always making herself available during office hours and my TA was helpful too. If I didn't ask for help from them, I would have been screwed. I love how prior to the final, she made the 4th discussion post worth 6 extra points instead of 2 and how she added 5 extra points to the final review if we did 3 extra problems. It honestly helped my grade a lot and I ended up with a 96.5% in the end.


Stay consistent with the lecture quizzes and homework. Don't fall behind because it'll ***** you up! Join her office hours on zoom if you get stuck on some problems. Do practice exams and study edge is a must!

Delivery: OnlineGrade: AWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Optional
Exam HeavyQuiz HeavyAssignment Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Kinda Interesting
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Stephen Adam / Fall 2022

Dec 16, 2022

Comments on the course

Easy enough course if you attend lectures

Delivery: In personGrade: BWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Optional
Exam Heavy

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Stephen Adam / Fall 2022

Dec 16, 2022

Comments on the course

Most people say that Calc 2 is a weed out class, but I think that this course was pretty well taught and fair. The course was spread out and organized good and the weekly quizzes were quite easy if you pay attention in class. The Xronos are kinda dumb because they are harder than the actual exam questions. I just recommend finding the asnwers and spend more time learning the content itself from youtube or lecture notes. Calc 2 content was pretty easy imo but the reason i got a C+ is beacuse the exams were pretty difficult (or maybe because i just suck at test taking). This class is very doable and if you know the basics of calc 1 and the unit circle, you should be fine

Comments on the professor

He is amazing! He might go a little fast in the lectures but he is very helpful during his office hours and I would see him everyday to receive help and he responds to his emails if you need help.


After each lecture, watch a youtube video from the Organic Teacher Guy so you can get a better understand of the material and visit the math tutoring in Little Help. Make sure to understand each lecture because if you dont, you can get behind and itll be hard to catch up.

Delivery: In personGrade: C+Workload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Optional
Quiz HeavyAssignment HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Kwai-lee Chui / Fall 2021

Sep 1, 2022

Comments on the course

My only A- yet in college. I was one question on the final off of an A unfortunately. I did really well on the first two exams, but the final sucked.

Course Content

It's all about memorization baby. Very dull, mostly differentials and integration but very complicated.

Comments on the professor

Chui was very nice and helpful. Sometimes she didn't fully understand what students were asking but was very available to help after class and was generally better one-on-one.


As Chui herself revealed to me... you can see the answers on Xronos. My best advice: give the problem a good effort always but never let yourself get less than 100% on homeworks. Make sure that you understand every problem by the time you're done getting help though. Build up a big buffer for your exams and do all the practice tests and get help. You'll do better on the tests if you do that too.

Delivery: In personGrade: A-Workload: HeavyTextbook Use: No
Exam Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Ian Manly / Fall 2021

Jan 7, 2022

Comments on the course

The course is not too difficult as long as you don't get behind. The first and second parts of the course are very different. The third part will be straightforward if you followed the first two.

Course Content

The homework is good practice and designed fairly well. Study the old exams and homework to do well.

Comments on the professor

Dr. Manly is wonderful. Clear, respectful, and caring. He was instrumental to my learning.


Don't slack on the homework it will mess you up.

Delivery: HybridGrade: C+Workload: ModerateTextbook Use: Optional
Assignment HeavyExam HeavyAttendance Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Kwai-lee Chui / Fall 2021

Jan 7, 2022

Comments on the course

The class itself was of moderate difficulty. Some parts are easier than others, and having a solid foundation is recommended.

Course Content

Lots of integration techniques to make calculus easier.

Comments on the professor

Professor was wonderful. Can not recommend her enough.


Make sure you know your own strengths and weaknesses. Practice the things that you're not strong with.

Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Optional
Exam HeavyAssignment Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Ian Manly / Fall 2020

Dec 20, 2021

Comments on the course

I was told this was one of the more difficult math courses at UF. After taking it, I believe that a lot of the challenge depends on your experience. If you've taken calc BC or an equivalent you should do fine, but I also wouldn't expect to know everything. Content aside, I felt the math was more complex in this course.

Comments on the professor

Manly is a very encouraging professor who truly puts his students first. Even though his lectures were on Zoom when I had him, I still found his lectures engaging and easier to follow than other courses I've taken.


If you're ever struggling try supplementing Manly's lectures with Khan academy. I found this extremely helpful for MAC2313, and so I think it would help for this course as well.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Optional
Exam HeavyAssignment Heavy

Class Ratings

2Bad Class
1Very Boring
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Kwai-lee Chui / Fall 2021

Dec 16, 2021

Comments on the course

The final was much harder than the midterms. I scored 93-100 on the midterms and got a 52% on the final because I was trying to frantically relearn as many things as possible and didn't have the time to study any skills in depth.

Course Content

Some of the content in this class like integration techniques, parametric equations, and polar coordinates have obvious real world applications. But some of the theoretical content like the "physics" problems where you have to calculate force on perfectly thin shapes is not very practical.

Comments on the professor

Chui was generally nice and friendly, but she frequently didn't finish the lectures in time and was generally meh at answering questions. Luckily, Manly was my coordinator so I would watch his lectures if I didn't understand something.


The questions on the final are on another level compared to the midterms. You can skate by on the midterms with pattern recognition, but you should really know what you're doing before finals season.

Delivery: In personGrade: A-Workload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Exam Heavy

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Useful

Prof: Kwai-lee Chui / Spring 2020

Oct 10, 2021

Comments on the course

I have never taken any kind of AP or IB calc, and Prof. Chui made this class fairly simple. I loved having her as a teacher. Put in the effort for her exams because she will definitely test your knowledge!

Comments on the professor

- Easy to follow during lecture - Compassionate, email her w concerns you have - Exams are fair but you need to know the knowledge like the back of your hand


Do the practice exams and the homework's thoroughly!

Suggest a professor

Dr. Chui

Delivery: In personGrade: A+Workload: Moderate

Class Ratings

3OK Class
1Very Boring
2Barely Useful

Prof: Alexander York / Spring 2021

Sep 22, 2021

Comments on the course

Tough, if you're not a math-person, you'll have to put in a lot of work.

Course Content

Nothing that pertains to my major (Comp Sci).

Comments on the professor

I didn't actually have York, I had Dr. Chui, and she was super helpful! Very nice, and always available.


Once you get behind, you won't ever catch up, do not procrastinate at ANY cost.

Suggest a professor

Dr. Chui.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: B+Workload: HeavyTextbook Use: No
Assignment HeavyQuiz HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

3OK Class
1Very Boring
2Barely Useful

Prof: Alexander York / Spring 2021

Sep 22, 2021

Comments on the course

Tough, if you're not a math-person, you'll have to put in a lot of work.

Course Content

Nothing that pertains to my major (Comp Sci).

Comments on the professor

I didn't actually have York, I had Dr. Chui, and she was super helpful! Very nice, and always available.


Once you get behind, you won't ever catch up, do not procrastinate at ANY cost.

Suggest a professor

Dr. Chui.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: B+Workload: HeavyTextbook Use: No
Assignment HeavyQuiz HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Kinda Interesting

Prof: Ian Manly / Fall 2020

Sep 6, 2021

Comments on the course

Overall pretty easy for me since I had taken AP Calc BC, but there was still new stuff that was a bit difficult. Probably difficult without experience.

Comments on the professor

Amazing, takes his time explaining and doesn't skip steps. Definitely try to get him.


Do the homework as soon as you do the corresponding lesson, it's easy to fall behind.

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Grade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: No

Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Ian Manly / Fall 2020

Aug 30, 2021

Comments on the course

Covers integration, series (for use with Taylor series), parametric/polar equations. The most frustrating part about the course was that practice problems done in class were nowhere near the level of difficulty of homework/exam questions.

Comments on the professor

I took Manly. He was nice, but there's really no interaction with him. He teaches fairly well. If you have questions, you'll probably ask your TA in the weekly discussion class. It really depends on how well your TA can explain.


Make sure you know how to do the homework questions. Exam questions are more similar to homework questions than the practice problems done in class.

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Grade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: No

Class Ratings

4Good Class
5Very Useful

Prof: Alexander York / Spring 2021

Aug 29, 2021

Comments on the course

Probably the hardest STEM weed out class you can take. The course goes into depth about integration and series!!!

Comments on the professor

Would not recommend York for MAC2312, I took him for MAC2311 and he’s was amazing just for that course. Recommend Manly!!! You can always look up UF MAC2312 and his past lectures and exam reviews are available!


Get study edge if you can afford it, if not use UF Knacks tutoring!!! The Broward tutoring center does amazing exam review a couple days before the exam!!!

Suggest a professor

MANLY 100%

Grade: A-Workload: ModerateTextbook Use: No

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Ian Manly / Spring 2021

Aug 29, 2021

Comments on the course

Only good w/ Manly or Chui lol



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Grade: B+Workload: ModerateTextbook Use: Optional

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