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ANT 3520

Skeleton Keys: Forensic Identification

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Reviews 4

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Isis Dwyer / Spring 2024

Apr 21, 2024

Comments on the course

Interesting content

Delivery: OnlineGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes
Quiz Heavy

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Easy
5Very Interesting

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Emily Bartz / Fall 2022

Dec 6, 2022

Comments on the course

Super relaxed, but very interesting course, I took it as an interdisciplinary elective for criminology and this has been my favorite course at UF so far. Its unproctored and everything is on quizlet, so theres no reason to stress over it. The professor reiterates that its open book and open note for all assignments. Take this course for easy 3000 level credit


Take this class!

Delivery: OnlineGrade: A+Workload: LightTextbook Use: No

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Megan Leblanc / Spring 2022

Apr 29, 2022

Comments on the course

One of the best ANT courses.

Course Content

Forensic anthropology.

Comments on the professor

Lecture videos comprise most of class. The assigned professor has little to do with content.



Delivery: OnlineGrade: ATextbook Use: Yes
Quiz Heavy

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Interesting

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Megan Leblanc / Spring 2022

Apr 14, 2022

Comments on the course

This is a very engaging and insightful class for those with an interest in crime investigation and body analysis. You do not necessarily have to be studying anthropology or forensics to enjoy this class— I'm personally in the health sciences. The most tedious work is the summaries of scientific papers she assigns us, but it is far from unmanageable as Megan gives plenty of time for students to complete them. Plus, she's not a harsh grader. Other than this, all other assignments are straightforward and enough to get good grades on. The exams are a breeze as long as you are engaged in the class and study.

Course Content

The course content is split into three parts (each having its own exam). The first includes explaining the medicolegal system, some history, what forensic anthropologists do, how crime scenes and bodies are generally processed, and more general, introductory things. The second section is more memorization-heavy: major bones of the body, basic osteology, and parts of a biological profile. The third section is more focused on trauma and basic ballistics wounds, with the very end focusing on different careers in the forensic field. When it comes to if this course is useful, it depends on what you're studying, really. If one is interested in being a forensic anthropologist, medical examiner, or another type of forensic scientist, then it's a no-brainer that this class would be useful. more

Comments on the professor

Megan is a great professor, she's very charismatic and knows a lot despite not actually being from the forensic anthropology field. She's really nice and accommodating with student needs. Don't have any cons to say.


She does not post her PowerPoints on Canvas, which is why I selected "attendance heavy." But making friends in the class willing to give their notes or going to Megan's office hours to ask for a review are easy options to take. Ultimately, putting in the effort asked of you for this class will earn you a good grade.

Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: No
Attendance Heavy

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