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Professor Ethan Miller Reviews


Class Ratings

1Awful Class
1Very Hard
3Kinda Interesting
2Barely Useful

Professor Rating

3OK Prof

Prof: Ethan Miller / Fall 2022

Oct 24, 2022

Comments on the course

This course should be separated into two separate courses or something else to make this class more smooth. The pacing of this class is awful as it goes from printing "Hello World" to coding trigonometry in two weeks, let alone this is an introductory course to C. The structure of this course is trash; it is more focused on testing students on material instead of actually teaching it to them. I don't know why I have to take this class for my major considering I am not Computer Science; this is the very last programming class I have to take ever and they decided to make it increasingly difficult if at all possible to pass by yourself.

Course Content

The content is interesting but hard to fully process. You need to put a LOT of time aside to fully digest material that they expect you to understand as soon as it is taught, which can be at tutoring or sections. I could not even go all the time because I would work on other classes and have no reliable transportation system because I live off campus with nothing but the bus system. Adding on to assistance, you need to spend HOURS on homework assignments. It feels like you can only really pass and complete assignment if you code 24/7 whenever you are NOT in class.

Comments on the professor

The professor doesn't seem bad. Lectures are engaging and presentations are smooth and noteworthy. Does not respond to emails however.


This class is NOT a beginner-friendly introductory class. Learn C on whatever is best before. Go to everything and make sure your setup is correct.

Course: CSE 13SDelivery: In personGrade: Rather not sayWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Yes