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UCSC Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Cruz

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSE 13SComp Sys and C Prog3.
CSE 101Data Structs & Algs4.33.744.73
MATH 19ACalc:Sci,Engin,Math5444.52
BIOL 20LExperimental Lab33451
ECE 13Computer Systems & C52451
CSE 20Beginning Python43451
FILM 165DAsian Americans52551
ANTH 100History Biol Anthro42441
MATH 100Intr Proof/Prb Solv22231
APLX 135Second Lang Teach43341
PSYC 121Perception53551
EDUC 60Schooling, Dem. & Jus.55431
FILM 172NarrativeVideoWksp42351
HISC 80TWhat is the Witch?54531
ECE 118Intro Mechatronics21531
CSE 12Com Sys/Assmbly Lan13111
HIS 10BUS Hist 1877-197745341
PSYC 144Latinx Psychology53551
HISC 12Historical Intro Phil54551
FILM 132BInternatnl Cinema23321
ENVS 100Ecology and Society53451
ANTH 270BCurrent Arch Theory00000
ANTH 110KCultur Through Food00000
ANTH 290TAnthropology Pedagogy00000
APLX 116Discourse Analysis00000
AMS 229Convex Optimization00000
ANTH 130FBlackness In Motion00000
ARBC 5Arabic: Second Year00000
ANTH 248Finance/Money/Law00000
ANTH 110GWestside Stories00000
ANTH 276GArch Colonial Lands00000
AMS 204Stat Data Analysis00000
APLX 101L2 Acquisition00000
ANTH 113Tutor Writing Anth00000
APLX 190Research Sem APLX00000
AM 229Convex Optimization00000
ART 20JIntro Draw/Paint00000
ANTH 131Gender in Culture00000
ART 161BRelief Mix Med Print00000
ART 165Print Med Vis Comm00000
AMS 280BStat&AppliedMathModel00000
ANTH 146Anth & Environment00000
ART 180BSculpture II00000
ART 188Int/Adv Sclpt/Fndry00000
ANTH 152CulturalAnthTheory00000
ART 210APractBasedRsrch:Sites00000
ARTG 80HCrit His Digital Games00000
AM 148GPU Programming00000
AM 260Comp Fluid Dynamics00000
ANTH 3Intro Archaeology00000
ANTH 175African Archaeology00000
ARTG 134Spectacular Play00000
ARTG 143Ecofutures00000
ANTH 180Ceramic Analysis00000
ARTG 172Game Design III00000
ASTR 2Overview Universe00000
AM 280BApplied Math Model00000
ANTH 101Human Evolution00000
ANTH 188BArch Practicum B00000
ANTH 233Politics of Nature00000
ANTH 110ISustainbilitySocJust00000
ANTH 267AScience and Justice00000
AMS 200Research/Teach AMS00000
ANTH 275African Arch Tutorial00000
ANTH 110SEvolution/Democracy00000
ANTH 280LCeramicAnalysisLab00000
AM 216Stoch Diff Equation00000
ANTH 295AScientific Method00000
ANTH 110CCalifornia Pasts00000
APLX 112Language and Gender00000
AMS 214Applied Dynamic Sys00000
ANTH 130LLatin Amer Ethnogra00000
ARBC 2Arabic: First Year00000
AM 115Stochastic Modeling00000
ART 10F4D Foundation00000
ANTH 130ONative Feminisms00000
ART 20HIntro Sculpt/Public00000
AMS 266AIntroduction to R00000
ART 163CMagnified Imagination00000
ANTH 139Language & Culture00000
ART 169Spec Topic Printmak00000
AM 232Optimal Control00000
ART 183Metal Fabrication00000
ANTH 147Anthropocene00000
ART 190BSenior Project00000
ANTH 1Intro Biolog Anth00000
ARTG 80GVis Com Interaction00000
ANTH 171Mat/Methods His Arch00000
ARTG 120Game Design Exp00000
AM 20Math Methods II00000
ARTG 138Feminist Games00000
ANTH 177Environmental Arch00000
ARTG 171Game Design II00000
ANTH 97Lab Safety Practice00000
ANTH 188CArch Practicum C00000
ANTH 103Forensic Anthro00000
ANTH 194SAnthroplgy of Sound00000
ANTH 194VWho Owns the Past?00000
AM 211Foundatn App Math00000
AMS 5Statistics00000