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UCSC Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Cruz

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSE 13SComp Sys and C Prog3.
CSE 101Data Structs & Algs4.33.744.73
MATH 19ACalc:Sci,Engin,Math5444.52
FILM 172NarrativeVideoWksp42351
BIOL 20LExperimental Lab33451
EDUC 60Schooling, Dem. & Jus.55431
CSE 12Com Sys/Assmbly Lan13111
ECE 118Intro Mechatronics21531
PSYC 144Latinx Psychology53551
HISC 80TWhat is the Witch?54531
ENVS 100Ecology and Society53451
PSYC 121Perception53551
HISC 12Historical Intro Phil54551
ECE 13Computer Systems & C52451
CSE 20Beginning Python43451
HIS 10BUS Hist 1877-197745341
MATH 100Intr Proof/Prb Solv22231
APLX 135Second Lang Teach43341
ANTH 100History Biol Anthro42441
FILM 165DAsian Americans52551
FILM 132BInternatnl Cinema23321
CHEM 110NHonors Organic Lab00000
ASTR 234StatisTechniquesAstro00000
CHEM 286Prosem Nat Pro Chem00000
CLTE 136CritPraxisMethods00000
ANTH 292Graduate Colloquim00000
BIOE 124LMammalogy Lab00000
CMPE 121Micro System Design00000
BME 281JSeminar in Genomics00000
ASTR 135BAstrophys Adv Lab00000
CHEM 200BAdv Macro Structr00000
ANTH 252CulturalAnthTheory00000
CLNI 85Global Action00000
BIOE 82Intro Field Res/Con00000
CMMU 156Politics Food/Hlth00000
ANTH 110PIndia Diaspora Film00000
CMPE 280NSeminar On Networks00000
BIOE 134Comparative Anatomy00000
CMPM 151Algorithmic Music00000
CMPM 244AI in Games00000
APLX 138English Grammar TESOL00000
BIOE 159DFld Qtr:Fld Eco Lab00000
CMPS 12AIntro Program (Accel)00000
CMPS 200Research & Teaching00000
BIOE 203Intro Seminar EEB00000
COWL 52Personal Finance00000
COWL 175TMemory in the Americas00000
AMS 80AGambling and Gaming00000
ANTH 152CulturalAnthTheory00000
ART 20HIntro Sculpt/Public00000
BIOE 281WExercise/Env Phys00000
CRES 116Race and the Pacific00000
CRES 190LComp Colonial Studies00000
BIOE 281LBehavrl & Evol Ecol00000
CRSN 56Sust Media Interns00000
CRSN 151BSust Innovation00000
ANTH 179Slavery in Atlantic00000
ART 138Facture and Meaning00000
BIOL 101LMolecular Bio Lab00000
BME 272Precision Medicine00000
ASTR 6Space-Age Solr Sysm00000
CHEM 1BGeneral Chemistry00000
ANTH 216Methods in BioAnth00000
CHEM 151LInorganic Lab00000
ASTR 214SpcTpcs:Gal/Exgal Astr00000
CHEM 262Statistic Mechanics00000
ANTH 101Human Evolution00000
CHIN 5Chinese: Second Year00000
BIOC 100ABiochemistry00000
CLTE 85Social Justice Work00000
ANTH 278HistArchaeolTutorial00000
CMMU 105CField Study00000
BIOE 112Ornithology00000
CMPE 16Appl Discrete Math00000
AM 275Magnetohydrodynamic00000
CMPE 202Comp Architecture00000
BIOE 129Biol Marine Mammals00000
CMPM 80AAccessible Games00000
APLX 115Language and Power00000
CMPM 177Creative Strategies00000
BIOE 149Disease Ecology00000
CMPM 280XExpressive AI00000
ANTH 130FBlackness In Motion00000
CMPS 121Mobile Applications00000
BIOE 163LReef/Mangr Eco Lab00000
CMPS 280LSem Logic Comp Sci00000
ART 10F4D Foundation00000
COWL 111Mock Trial Workshop00000
BIOE 262Facilitate Chg in CSP00000
CRES 70SIntro to the Sikhs00000
AM 209Foundtns Sci Comput00000
CRES 190XRacial Capitalism00000
BIOE 281TSpecies Interactions00000
CRSN 1ALE:Environ/Society00000
ART 108Activate Media!00000
BIOL 106LEukaryotic Genetic Eng00000
ART 162AIntaglio I00000
BIOL 114Cancer Cell Biology00000
BIOL 121LEnviro Phage Bio Lab00000
AMS 203Intro Prob Theory00000