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Professor Elizabeth Kline Reviews


Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Interesting

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Elizabeth Kline / Fall 2023

Nov 30, 2023

Comments on the course

It's a weed-out course. It's made to be hard, and it is. But Dr. Kline does a great job teaching, and there are many opportunities to get bonus points and extra help (when there is space in SI).

Comments on the professor

Great! She loves teaching and is very good at answering questions and offering bonus points.


It's hard, and that's okay! Don't be afraid to get help and use your resources; they are there for a reason.

Course: BIOL 1107Delivery: In personGrade: C+Workload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes
Assignment HeavyExam Heavy