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EML 5060

Mathematical Methods in Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering

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2.7OK Class
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Hwan Choi / Fall 2020

Dec 21, 2020

Comments on the course

Took this class online for the MSAE program. Think of this class as an extension of vector calculus and differential equations. A lot of theory and formulas with little real world applications. Homework was assigned basically every week (graded on completeness, not accuracy), and tests were scheduled during class time (no doing projects over a couple weeks and then turning them in). He provided skeleton notes which was helpful in following along with the material. Allowed hand written cheat sheets for exams (1 per exam and 3 total for the final), and required HonorLock, which several people had issues with. Pulled some homework problems from the book, and I ended up referencing the book on a few occasions. Towards the beginning of the semester, I thought he did an okay job of explaining more


If you want to avoid HonorLock, look into a proctoring center. I took the exams a day before the exam date (took them on Sundays) and it alleviated the stress of HonorLock potentially not working.

Grade: AAttendance: Non-MandatoryTextbook Use: Optional

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