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Professor Jennifer Berdahl Reviews


Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

3OK Prof

Prof: Jennifer Berdahl / Winter 2022

Dec 12, 2022

Comments on the course

Great course, mid prof

Course Content

Gender binary, doing gender, intersectionality, femininity, masculinity. After the midterm, more practical things like education, work, family, politics

Comments on the professor

Prof was mid at most. She was chill, and presented great content. People had some serious personal experiences that I (as a guy) know I'd never get to hear in any other class. I liked how the content and nature of the discussions, but not other aspects of the course (esp with structure), and how the prof didn't take feedback very well


not hard to get around A, but grading schemes are odd (and the exams... 4 essay questions, pick 3). Those were marked brutally, thank **** the final was optional. Plus she was like 1.2K words max, if u can do less than do it, i wrote like half of it (unlike most ppl) and she acts like "oh cool" and in the end is like "eat my

Course: SOCI 312Delivery: Hybrid