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Professor Villqnueva Reviews


Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Kinda Interesting

Professor Rating

2Bad Prof

Prof: Villqnueva / Spring 2022

Jun 7, 2022

Comments on the course

It’s just another math class with some pretty difficult material. Difficult overall even if you study and go to SI sessions. Can be interesting and the teacher is alright enough, but the biggest thing to note is CANVAS DOESN’T REFLECT YOUR ACTUAL GRADE!!! This really messed up a lot of people including myself last term.

Course Content

Content is pretty fast and can be difficult to understand. Get help from peers and other students who took the course to help.

Comments on the professor

A bit difficult to understand at times, has weird ways of explaining things that are much simpler.


Talk with peers and take the class seriously. Attending lectures can be helpful but not always, so if you skip those make sure to go to the activities and study hard.

Course: MATH 151Delivery: In personGrade: C-Workload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes
Exam HeavyAssignment Heavy