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Professor Thomas Smith Reviews


Class Ratings

1Awful Class
3Avg. Difficulty

Professor Rating

3OK Prof

Prof: Thomas Smith / Fall 2023

Dec 11, 2023

Comments on the course

Well in the beginning it was interesting but the professors determination to try and turn the last 3 weeks into a data acquisition and analysis course where you deploy a survey to essentially no one is an utter waste of time. he crams multiple pieces of software into the course and skips over the actual content that is intended to be learned in favor of very poor assessment of meaningless data that will in fact defeat the purpose of the course. Trying to draw conclusions from scribbles is a fruitless waste of time. time that could have far better been spent learning the analysis tools using sample data sets rather than the useless tidbits we all got.

Course Content

SPSS Qualtronics. basics of relating variables and a ludacris amount of time on LIKERT scales as if they were the only usable data (they are in no way more functional than any other type of data point and in many ways with current technology in my opinion are far more cumbersome to work with as they lump everything together regardless of the results.

Comments on the professor

Nice guy who suffers from the same thing all current academics seem to falter on. they put the activity before the content leaving the content unlearned and the activity hollow


Don't, just save your time.

Course: ETR 440Delivery: OnlineGrade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Optional
Project Heavy