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Mizzou Course Reviews

University of Missouri

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GERMAN 2320WGerman Civilization: 1850 to Present - Writing Intensive11114
CMPSC 1050Algorithm Design and Programming I22122
HLTHSCI 2400Contemporary Health Issues544.542
CHEM 1330College Chemistry II32.53.53.52
NEP 1034Introduction to Human Nutrition53351
ECONOM 1000General Economics for Journalists43351
PLNTSCI 2220Introduction to Floral Design55541
ENGLSH 2030Professional Writing13211
PSYCH 2210Mind, Brain, and Behavior54551
NEP 3850WPhysiology of Exercise - Writing Intensive42551
PHYSCS 1210College Physics I13111
MATH 2300Calculus III43551
SOCIOL 1000Introduction to Sociology35211
NEP 2380Diet Therapy for Health Professionals54451
TAM 2200Science of Textiles12111
PSYCH 1000General Psychology55551
PSYCH 2810Human Sexuality55531
PHYSCS 4800Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I41441
NEP 2140Exercise Practicum I45331
MATH 1500Analytic Geometry and Calculus I44451
GERMAN 1200Elementary German II43451
COMMUN 3580Crisis Communication54551
PLNTSCI 2075Environmental Horticulture43451
STAT 4750Introduction to Probability Theory31351
AMS 1060Classical Mythology45311
PSYCH 4580Externalizing Spectrum Disorders43431
NEP 3450Activity Throughout the Lifespan45321
JOURN 1100Principles of Journalism in Democracy44331
FRENCH 1100Elementary French I21321
ACCTCY 8456Corporate Governance44441
FS 1020World Food and You24111
LINGST 1060Human Language54551
ENGLSH 1700Introduction to Folklore Genres55531
CMPSC 2830Web Application Development I21331
AMS 7350Greek Pottery00000
ACCTCY 4353Introduction to Taxation00000
ANSCI 1011Introduction to Animal Sciences00000
ANSCI 1165HBiology of Animal Production I with Laboratory - Honors00000
ABM 3285Problems in Agribusiness Management00000
ACCTCY 4384Auditing Theory and Practice I00000
ANSCI 2001Topics in Animal Science00000
ANSCI 2085Problems in Animal Science00000
AGSCCOM 2210Communicating Science to the Public00000
ANSCI 2115Livestock Judging00000
ANSCI 2146Introduction to Animal Behavior00000
AAE 9265Food, Agricultural and Rural Policy00000
ABM 4230Understanding the Agricultural Policy Process00000
AGSCCOM 3385Problems in Science and Agricultural Journalism00000
ANSCI 2244Introduction to Comparative Anatomy with Lab00000
ANSCI 3190Study Abroad: International Meat, Dairy and Enology00000
AGSM 2320Internal Combustion Power00000
ANSCI 3242Principles and Applications of Animal Nutrition00000
ANSCI 3264Physiology of Domestic Animals II00000
ABM 4301Topics in Agribusiness Management00000
AGSM 4025Principles of Injury Prevention00000
ANSCI 4011Pasture Based Dairy Management Lab00000
ANSCI 4314HPhysiology of Reproduction - Honors00000
AMS 7005Topics in Ancient Mediterranean Studies00000
ACCTCY 4000Accountancy Professional Speakers and Symposia00000
AMS 7420Minor Arts of Antiquity00000
ABM 3272International Food Trade and Policy00000
ANSCI 1164Biology of Animal Production I00000
ACCTCY 4356Financial Accounting Concepts00000
ANSCI 1175HBiology of Animal Production II with Lab - Honors00000
AAE 9220Price and Market Analysis00000
ANSCI 2010Careers in Animal Sciences00000
AGEDLD 9540Advanced Qualitative Research: A Comparison of Phenomenologi...00000
ANSCI 2110Global Animal Agriculture00000
ABM 3295Real Money: Speculative Trading for Beginners00000
ANSCI 2116Animal Welfare Evaluation00000
AGSCCOM 2940Internships in Science and Agricultural Journalism00000
ANSCI 2195Equine Facility Management and Marketing00000
AAE 7983Strategic Entrepreneurship in Agri-Food00000
ANSCI 3010Graduate Experience Program00000
AGSM 1040Physical Principles for Agricultural Applications00000
ANSCI 3214Principles of Meat Science00000
ABM 4286Behavioral and Experimental Economics00000
ANSCI 3254Physiology of Domestic Animals00000
AGSM 3007Topics in Agricultural Systems Management-Physical00000
ANSCI 4001Topics in Animal Science00000
ABM 1042Applied Macroeconomics00000
ANSCI 4314Physiology of Reproduction00000
AGSM 4045Occupational Safety00000
ABM 4971WAgribusiness Management Strategy - Writing Intensive00000
ANSCI 4332Ruminant Nutrition00000
AGSM 4150Biorenewable Systems Technology00000
ANSCI 4385Reproductive Management Laboratory00000
ANSCI 4436Animal Welfare00000
AMS 2300Ancient Authors: The Greeks00000
ANSCI 4910Senior Seminar in Captive Wild Animal Management00000
ANSCI 4975Beef Production and Management00000
AAE 7286Behavioral and Experimental Economics00000
AAE 8085Masters Problems in Agricultural and Applied Economics00000
ABM 1230HIntroduction to the Agricultural Policy Process - Honors00000
ABM 4983Strategic Entrepreneurship in Agri-Food00000
AMS 2400Roman Classics in Translation00000
ANSCI 4977Horse Production00000
ANSCI 4978Swine Production00000
AMS 2450The World of Pompeii00000
ANSCI 7010Pasture-Based Dairy Management00000