Professor Kaara Peterson Reviews
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Kaara Peterson / Fall 2020
Apr 20, 2022
Great course, very accessible. Recommend for Miami Plan if you don't mind reading, and an absolute must for English majors who are starting to work on their lit distribution requirements.
It's a lit course, so there's a lot of reading. Content is Shakespeare and comparing/contrasting the plays to movies. Useful from an analytical, history, lit, and film perspective
Dr. Peterson is awesome. Her class discussions are scatterbrained at the beginning of the semester, but it improves as the semester goes on. Engaging lecturer, passionate, always breaks things down if you're confused. Also gives great revision tips over email and office hours.
Take good notes and you will do very well. The midterm and final essays are where most of the grade weight lies, so make sure you know the content and can write a good argument! Also, WATCH THE PLAYS! Don't try to read them like a book- it will make the course more challenging.