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Professor Shaiya Robinson Reviews


Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Interesting

Prof: Shaiya Robinson / Winter 2021

Aug 28, 2021

Comments on the course

This is easily my favourite LIFESCI course. You learn a lot of neat genetics concepts and the ties to society makes the course content super interesting. The evaluations were all very fair, just take diligent notes, study adequately, and you'll be fine.

Comments on the professor

Dr. Robinson is such a sweet, woke, and amazing professor. Having her teach this class was an absolute joy. She delivers course content in a way that is easy to digest, genuinely cares about her students, and writes her tests to be fair, but also makes you actually apply what you've learned to demonstrate deeper learning.


Attend office hours for this course! Dr. Robinson goes over inquiries from the Discussion Board and explains certain concepts in more depth, and closer to test days will throw in practice questions to test your knowledge. Some of the notes I took during these sessions were astronomically beneficial when studying for tests, so make sure you pay attention!

Suggest a professor

Dr. Robinson has my whole heart <3

Course: LIFESCI 2G03Grade: A+Workload: ModerateTextbook Use: No