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Professor Matthew Savelli Reviews


Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Matthew Savelli / Winter 2021

Apr 11, 2022

Comments on the course

people complain his marking is hard but honestly i found it super fair, if you put in the work an A is easily achievable

Course Content

class is super interesting if you’re interested in mental health and mental illness.

Comments on the professor

really good prof who is passionate about the topics he teaches

Course: HLTHAGE 1CC3Delivery: OnlineGrade: ATextbook Use: Yes
Participation HeavyEssay HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Prof: Matthew Savelli / Winter 2019

Aug 24, 2021

Comments on the course

Was super interesting. Test questions can be tricky but my favorite class of uni by far

Comments on the professor

He’s a gem 11/10

Course: HLTHAGE 1CC3Grade: A+Textbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

3OK Class
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Prof: Matthew Savelli / Winter 2020

Aug 25, 2021

Comments on the course

marks superrrr hard

Course: HLTHAGE 1CC3

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Interesting

Prof: Matthew Savelli / Winter 2019

Aug 24, 2021

Comments on the course

Pay attention to what he says in the lectures over what is written on the slides. Some test questions are things he will have stated in class. The midterm and exam typically cover broader themes of the course rather than exact details, except for information found specifically in the readings. The difficulty of the grading on the essay depends entirely on who you get as your TA, although Savelli does tell them to mark hard.

Comments on the professor

He does not believe in giving 100% and is a hard marker. Just a heads up if you ask for an extension on any written assignment he will be grading it rather than your TA.


There are a LOT of readings but try not to fall behind in the work because you do need to know your stuff to do well and it’s a pain to cram it all right before an essay or exam.

Course: HLTHAGE 1CC3Grade: AWorkload: 2hrs/weekTextbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

3OK Class
5Very Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Matthew Savelli / Spring 2021

Aug 24, 2021

Comments on the course

All writing assignments, have to draw from textbook and course content. Grading is thorough but fair

Course: HLTHAGE 1CC3Grade: A-

Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Matthew Savelli / Fall 2020

Aug 24, 2021

Comments on the course

Grading was very difficult, especially for a first year class. Barely any feedback that actually helped with future assignments or papers.


A class for people who can write reallyyyyyy well

Course: HLTHAGE 1CC3Workload: 2hrs/weekTextbook Use: Yes