Professor Fei Chiang Reviews
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Fei Chiang / Winter 2023
Aug 9, 2023
Favourite course taken so far and the prof is so good at taking things slow and explaining. Tons of examples are done in class so definitely attend all lectures.
The slides are pretty straightforward for the most part but her in-person lecture examples helps a LOT. They're also similar content to midterm and exams.
She's good at teaching and takes her time. Explains nicely and does tons of examples to help understand.
ATTEND ALL LECTURES (she does good examples)
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Fei Chiang / Fall 2021
Dec 20, 2021
One of the best courses I have taken here at Mac. The class is extremely relevant, well-organized, well-taught, challenging but all the resources are provided for success, and the prof is great. Tutorials, assignments, office hours, lectures and all aspects of the course were very well-organized and effective. They were also accessible with good communication from the prof and TAs to students throughout the term.
Database systems and design. You learn SQL, relational algebra, DB concurrency, DB design principles, the relational model. The content is interesting and very useful, especially as a third year course before most people get their first co-ops in the summer. Databases are used everywhere in the tech industry so its a really important course for building those DB skills.
Professor Chiang is awesome! She knows the content, she's a great teacher, great communicator, she goes through practice problem in lecture to give all students a chance to practice the concepts. Feedback is given in a timely manner and is justified. Her slides are concise and easy to understand and her assignments are efficient and fun! I would highly recommend taking any course with Professor Chiang, whether it's 3DB3 or another course.
No advice, you're well taken care of as long as you do the work. Watch out for 10 pm deadlines (I was used to midnight ones), late penalty is 20%
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Fei Chiang / Winter 2024
Jun 27, 2024
Well taught course. Learned a lot of advanced content.
The content is built on everything taught in the pre requisite. Takes it one/two steps higher.
Very interesting. She really knows her stuff and it was easy to pay attention to her teaching style.