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Professor Emily Torriceli Reviews


Class Ratings

3OK Class
2Barely Useful

Professor Rating

3OK Prof

Prof: Emily Torriceli / Fall 2021

Aug 10, 2023

Comments on the course

Very easy so long as you complete your essays, you must take an open eye to film. I watched a ton of films while in this class. Probably around 30 (don't worry, only 10-15 is required for the class). Study the textbook for a deeper understanding of concepts, watch video essays and documentaries to understand film techniques and mise en scene.

Course Content

I would not say that film would be useful for an average STEM student, but you will gain a level of appreciation for the medium. I think about films completely differently after this class. Most of the class is analyzing movies which is quite amazing, I reccomend watching the most popular movies (within film all together) You will cover film from beginning to end but with a focus on more modern movies and concepts. The history is just an introduction/ background for "where we are" if you will.

Comments on the professor

She is knowledgeable and very nice 1 on 1 but in lecture, she might get stuck a bit in her thoughts. I really think she has a lot to say and she was a good professor, but lectures could get a bit difficult if students aren't engaging with her.


Read the textbook's first few chapters, but use youtube videos about interviews for directors, actors, movies, and anything else related to your chapter/ movie. It really helps having a visual

Course: ART 114Delivery: In personGrade: B+Workload: LightTextbook Use: Optional
Essay HeavyParticipation Heavy