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Professor John White Reviews


Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: John White / Fall 2021

Jun 24, 2022

Comments on the course

I like the course! I was mad that I had to take this class because I already took AP gov in high school but I learned a lot that I didn’t learn in my AP class . It was a good refresher for basic American government info that’s important for other courses.

Course Content

Hamilton ve. Jefferson (strong central gov vs. strong state gov), Congress, Supreme Court, executive branch, elections, public opinion.

Comments on the professor

I like Dr. White because his lectures are actually interesting. He doesn't just lecture about the basic info, he includes stories/history that's relevant but fascinating. He's also SO nice and is always available for help or to talk about politics.


I've taken a few of his classes and I would say you don't need the textbook BUT you definitely need to read or at least skim through the other books he assigns because they are always on his exams. His exams are all writing (1 long essay and usually 2 or 3 short answers)(POL 111 does have some multiple choice though) and at least one of the questions will always be about one of the books.

Course: POL 111Delivery: OnlineGrade: A+Workload: LightTextbook Use: Yes
Attendance HeavyQuiz HeavyEssay Heavy