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BC Course Reviews

Brooklyn College (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACCT 5200Accounting Internship53551
PSYC 2210Introductory Child Psychology53551
ANTH 1200Human Origins44331
CISC 1115Introduction to Programming Using Java42551
AFST 3221Modern African American Literature00000
AMST 3107WThe Politics of Race and Nation00000
AMST 3402American Folklore00000
AMST 5005Internship00000
AFST 1025Introduction to Contemporary African American Culture00000
AFST 3243Caribbean Carnival: History, Performance, Resistance00000
ANTH 3010Special Topics in Anthropology00000
AFST 7050XSocial Change in Africa, 1750-194500000
AFST 3201African Oral Literature00000
AMST 3302Private Lives: American Autobiography00000
ACCT 7120XComptrollership and Managerial Accounting00000
AMST 3704Music in New York City00000
AFST 3232African American English00000
ANTH 2140Anthropology of Food00000
ACCT 5021Special Topics00000
AFST 3101States, Kingdoms and Trade: Africa to 180000000
ANTH 3155Health and Globalization00000
AFST 3265Representing Black Men00000
AFST 3324The Black Urban Experience00000
ACCT 5201Accounting Internship 200000
AFST 3107Southern Africa00000
AFST 3330Blacks and the Law00000
AFST 5403WIndependent Research and Writing00000
AFST 3135Black Political Identity in a Transnational Context00000
AMST 3102The Frontier in American Culture00000
ACCT 7109XFinancial Statement Analysis00000
AMST 3124Black-Jewish Activism: Coalition Building in America00000
AFST 3215Performing Blackness00000
AMST 3306Reading Race00000
ACCT 5009Seminar in Accounting00000
AMST 3406American Popular Culture00000
AFST 3228Reading Race00000
AMST 3710Disability in America00000
AFST 1001Introduction to Contemporary Africa00000
ANTH 1100Culture and Society00000
AFST 3237History Of Jazz00000
ANTH 2216Scientific Revolutions00000
ACCT 3360Fraudulent Reporting & Forensic Financial Analysis00000
ANTH 3130Urban and Transnational Anthropology00000
AFST 3247Literature of the African Diaspora00000
ANTH 3160Political Anthropology00000
AFST 3335The Black Child and the Urban Education System00000
AFST 3290Special Topics in Literature, Culture and the Arts00000
AFST 3102Contact, Contest and Independence: Africa Since 180000000
AFST 3328Race and Ethnicity00000
ACCT 4011Consolidated and Not-for-Profit Entities00000
AFST 3331Blacks in the American Criminal Justice System00000
AFST 3120African American History through 186500000
ACCT 7106XAdvanced Accounting Theory00000
AFST 3349The Caribbeanization of North America00000
AFST 3121African American History From 186500000
AFST 3350Climate Justice and the Caribbean00000
AFST 3360Black Woman In America00000
AFST 4301Internship in Africana Studies00000
AFST 3127Women in the Black Freedom Struggle00000
AFST 5404Independent Study00000
ACCT 7108XAuditing Concepts, Standards, and Procedures00000
AMST 1010American Identities00000
AFST 3145Caribbean Political Systems00000
AMST 3104North American Indians: Traditional & Contemporary00000
ACCT 4502Advanced Topics in Auditing00000
AMST 3108American Dreams and Realities00000
AFST 3205African Literature00000
AMST 3212Decade in Crisis: The 1960's00000
ACCT 7110XAccounting Requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commi...00000
AMST 3304The Immigrant Experience in Literature, Film, and Photograph...00000
AFST 3220African-American Literature to 193000000
AMST 3307Transnational America00000
ACCT 3101Income Taxation00000
AMST 3404New York City Folklore00000
AFST 3225Black Theater00000
AMST 3502Mapping Inequalities: Revealing and Combating Racism in Amer...00000
ACCT 7191GIndependent Reading00000
AMST 3708Performing America: Nation, Identity, And The Arts00000
AFST 3230African-American Folklore00000
AMST 5003WIndependent Studies00000
ACCT 5011Seminar in Accounting00000
AFST 3236African American Music00000
AFST 3124Black-Jewish Activism: Coalition Building in America00000
AFST 3362Race, Gender and Inequality00000
ANTH 1300People and Language00000
AFST 1020Introduction to African-American Studies00000
ANTH 2210Anthropology of Sex00000
AFST 3240Caribbean Literature00000
ANTH 2402Archaeology Laboratory00000
ACCT 3011Intermediate Financial Accounting I00000
ANTH 3120WEthnography00000
AFST 3245Introduction to Postcolonial Literature and Theory00000
ANTH 3145Climate Justice and the Caribbean00000
AFST 1040Introduction to the Caribbean00000
AFST 3364Writing on African Women and Feminism00000
AFST 3260Black Women's Fiction00000
ACCT 2001Introductory Accounting00000
ACCT 3041Cost and Managerial Accounting for Strategic Decision Making00000
ACCT 4201Business Law II00000
ACCT 7107XFederal Taxation: Planning, Current Developments, and Advanc...00000