Professor Michael Zastre Reviews
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Michael Zastre / Fall 2022
Jun 7, 2023
Class Ratings
Prof: Michael Zastre / Spring 2021
Apr 4, 2021
From my experience, a very typical "Zastre" class. Hard assignments, hard tests, but very useful info and you learn a lot. I personally found the material quite engaging as well, but I could see the class being boring to others.
Start the assignments right away, and make sure to attend/watch all lectures.
Class Ratings
Prof: Michael Zastre / Spring 2021
Apr 25, 2021
Pretty boring class overall, there's some kind of interesting topics but it's a lot of stuff that you can just research on your own if you feel like it, and honestly this class just feels like something UVic created to pad out the already ridiculously long list of useless classes you need to take to graduate SENG. The class itself consisted of 4 tests (one only being worth 2%), and 3 papers, and a participation component. None of these were particularly challenging to complete, and the midterms you almost couldn't even study for except for skimming the lecture slides beforehand to get the gist of the subject matter. There was a 300, 1000, and the a final 5000 word paper, which was universally hated. Zastre is a notoriously hard marker, and here was no different. One thing that was more
Kiss the prof's ass as much as humanly possible and you'll have a decent chance of getting an A.