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Professor Jeremy Wulff Reviews


Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
1Very Hard
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Jeremy Wulff / Spring 2022

Jun 3, 2022

Comments on the course

This was an amazing course covering hard material - putting major work in mandatory if you want to pass.

Course Content

Two optional textbooks (really helps if you get and read the first one). The main assessment of this course is three midterms and a final project, in which you get to design how to synthesize a newly discovered natural product from things you would have around a basic lab. You learn about factors of chirality, orthogonal reactivity, and not just HOW to make things, but BETTER ways of making things, and why.

Comments on the professor

Great lecture style, modest - someone else would need to tell you he's a the head of a research group! - Likes participation, so expect to be called to the front of the class to solve synthesize steps on the fly. Discussion style lectures. Very accessible - did office hours via zoom three times a week at different afternoon/evening/morning times for others schedules, super willing to help you if you are putting in the work.


I wish I knew not to be so scared of this class. I had heard it was nightmare tough, that averages for midterms/finals were usually ~50% (true!)..As someone whose orgchem was years ago this freaked me out. Wulff expects this though as its a once in two years course, so he has a separate "Review" module track that you can do to refresh things. Consistently putting the work in with that though got me through with a solid grade.

Course: CHEM432Delivery: HybridGrade: B+Workload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Optional
Attendance HeavyAssignment HeavyExam Heavy