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UIUC Course Reviews

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECE 120Introduction to Computing4.
ECON 442Women in the Economy23.8214
CS 125Introduction to Computer Science3.33.32.343
ANTH 180The Archaeology of Death454.532
ARTE 202Facilitating the Art Experience55551
AE 140Aerospace Computer-Aided Design23221
ACCY 201Accounting and Accountancy I42441
FR 205Oral French55551
IS 505Information Organization and Access11111
DANC 340Dancing Black Popular Culture11311
FR 207Writing and Grammar Workshop53551
STAT 385Statistics Programming Methods55551
ARAB 201Elementary Standard Arabic I55551
EPOL 563The College Student42531
HDFS 105Intro to Human Development44451
TAM 210Introduction to Statics55551
MCB 170Society and the Brain55551
FR 156Exploring Paris44431
CS 423Operating Systems Design43331
BADM 509Managing Organizations54441
CS 598Special Topics41551
CMN 250Social Movement Communication45451
IB 329Animal Behavior55551
ACE 240Personal Financial Planning34441
STAT 107Data Science Discovery55551
MCB 480Eukaryotic Cell Signaling54531
LA 222Islamic Gardens & Architecture22421
MCB 465Human Metabolic Disease44441
FIN 574Individual Tax Policy32331
FR 102Elementary French II43431
ECE 333Green Electric Energy45221
REL 335Religion in Contemp America11111
IB 431Behavioral Ecology44441
ARTE 101Art, Design, and Society45441
ANTH 246Forensic Science43331
ENG 250From Idea To Enterprise00000
ARTS 281Sculpture II00000
ENG 440International Water Project I00000
ENG 461Technology Entrepreneurship00000
ANTH 271Language in Culture-ACP00000
ARTS 343Time Arts I00000
ENG 567Venture Funded Startups00000
ENGL 283Jewish Sacred Literature00000
ASRM 593Graduate Internship00000
ENGL 592Masters Exam Tutorial00000
EOL 595Independent Study00000
AGED 300Training and Development00000
ANTH 456Human Osteology00000
ATMS 311Environmental Issues Today00000
EPOL 435Global Migration and Education00000
EPS 500Intro to Qualitative Methods00000
BIOC 445Current Topics in Biochemistry00000
EPS 591Field Study And Thesis Seminar00000
ESL 500Oral And Written Communication00000
ARCH 373Arch Design and the Landscape00000
BIOE 477Imaging and Therapeutic Probes00000
ESL 505Intl Business Communication00000
EDPR 203Clinical Experience Fee00000
ARTJ 399Japan House Internship00000
ENG 360Lect In Engrg Entrepreneurship00000
ALEC 499Seminar00000
ENG 450Startups: Inc, Fund, Contracts00000
ARTS 341Image Practice00000
ENG 565Technol Innovation & Strategy00000
AGED 260Intro to Leadership Studies00000
ENGL 191Freshman Honors Tutorial00000
ARTS 344Interaction I00000
ENGL 397Medieval Bodies00000
ANTH 362Body, Personhood, And Culture00000
EOL 548Poli & Cultural Context of Ed00000
ATMS 205Intro to Geosciences Computing00000
EOL 599Thesis Research00000
AGCM 110Intro to Ag and Env Comm00000
EPS 199Qual Research & Ldrshp In Glob00000
BADM 388Study Abroad Options00000
EPS 550Global Issues in Learning00000
ARCH 233Construction Of Buildings00000
EPS 599Thesis Research00000
BIOE 473Biomaterials Laboratory00000
ESL 502Advanced Academic Writing I00000
AGED 340Leadership Ethics & Pluralism00000
BIOE 540Algorithmic Genomic Biology00000
FIN 388Study Abroad Options00000
FR 208Critical Writing And Reading00000
FR 210Intro To French Lit II00000
ARTD 160The Image World00000
BSE 639Genitourinary00000
FR 414Advanced Grammar And Style00000
FR 435French Civilization I00000
BSE 640Women's Health00000
FSHN 332Science Of Food Systems00000
FSHN 461Food Processing I00000
ACES 409Bioenergy Systems00000
AGCM 294Research Internship00000
AGED 400Foundations of Ag & Extn Ed00000
ARTD 260Basic Photography00000
BSE 641Obstetrics00000
GCL 101Introduction To Energy Sources00000
GCL 125Experiential Anatomy00000
BSE 730Intro to Deep Learning00000