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UI Course Reviews

University of Iowa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
STAT 1030Statistics for Business11213
PSY 2301Introduction to Clinical Psychology32.5332
CHEM 1110Principles of Chemistry I42351
MATH 1550Engineer Math I Single Variable Calculus33331
PSY 3570Social Cognition43441
MKTG 3000Introduction to Marketing Strategy32431
PSY 3010Health Psychology35221
MATH 3720Introduction to Abstract Algebra I43441
CINE 1601Introduction to Film Analysis43551
PSY 2812Rsrch Methds & Data Analysis in Psych II54341
PSY 4020Laboratory in Psychology42451
STAT 2010Statistical Methods and Computing11111
PSQF 4143Introduction to Statistical Methods11111
RCE 4110Psychology of Food and Mood55551
CLSA 3742Word Power: Building English Vocabulary12111
ASP 3150Psychology of Aging54551
AFAM 1020Introduction to African American Culture00000
ACB 5218Microscopy for Biomedical Research00000
AFAM 346121st Century African American Literature00000
AFAM 4990Honors Project00000
ABRD 3356USAC Montevideo Program00000
ACB 6250Critical Think Sci Writing/Presentation00000
AMST 1060Sex & Popular Culture in America00000
AMST 2025Diversity in American Culture00000
ACB 8401Advanced Human Anatomy00000
AMST 3100Critical Race Theory00000
AERO 3250AFROTC Leadership Lab AS 300 - SP00000
ACB 3122Independ Study in Anatomy & Cell Biology00000
AFAM 1250Introduction African American Religions00000
ABRD 3335USAC Heredia Program00000
AFAM 3760The Making of Modern Africa00000
ACB 6227Cell Fate Decisions00000
AFAM 7214Rdgs: African American Women's History00000
ABRD 3180CIEE Copenhagen Open Campus00000
AMST 1300American Popular Culture Abroad00000
ACB 7020Human Embryology Online00000
AMST 2165Native Peoples of North America00000
ABRD 3427CIEE Shanghai Business, Language & Cultr00000
ACCT 1300First-Year Seminar00000
AMST 3410Undocumented America00000
AMST 3994Independent Study00000
AMST 5002Critical Theories and Cultural Studies00000
ABRD 3063CIEE Paris Open Campus00000
ABRD 3221CIEE Barcelona Liberal Arts Program00000
ABRD 3531Secondary Student Teaching Abroad00000
ACCT 3400Introduction to Taxation00000
AMST 7085Dissertation Writing Workshop00000
ANES 6012Advanced Principles Anesthesia Prac II00000
ACCT 4050Directed Readings in Accounting00000
ANES 8401Clinical Anesthesia Senior00000
ANES 8495Intensive Care Off Campus00000
ABRD 3251CIEE Seville Business & Society Program00000
ABRD 3611TEAN New Zealand: Victoria University00000
ACCT 7850Seminar in Accounting Research00000
ACCT 7975Thesis Accounting00000
ABRD 3715SIT S Africa Multicultural & Human Right00000
ACCT 9040Financial Stmt Analysis & Forecasting00000
AERO 2200Team and Leadership Fundamentals II00000
ABRD 4447Korea University Exchange00000
AERO 4200Nation Security & Commissioning Prep II00000
ABRD 3323CIEE Valparaiso Liberal Arts Program00000
AFAM 1140Introduction to African American Art00000
ACB 5203Gross Human Anatomy for Graduate Student00000
AFAM 3275History of Slavery in the U.S.A.00000
ABRD 3094Wells College Florence Lorenzo de Medici00000
AFAM 3600Digitizing Blackness00000
ACB 6220Mechanisms of Cellular Organization00000
AFAM 4770Environmental Justice00000
ABRD 3348SIT Ecuador Develop, Politics & Language00000
AFAM 6580Seminar: Religion and Society00000
ACB 6239Critical Thinking in Cell Biology00000
AMST 1010Understanding American Cultures00000
ABRD 3045Academic Year in Freiburg00000
AMST 1080American Political Humor00000
ACB 7001Teaching Learning in Anatomical Sciences00000
AMST 1800American Gothic: Film, Lit & Pop Culture00000
ABRD 3359CIEE Rio de Janeiro Open Campus00000
AMST 2100This is America00000
ACB 8101Medical Gross Human Anatomy00000
AMST 3050Topics in American Cultural Studies00000
ABRD 3215CIEE Barcelona Advanced Liberal Arts Pr00000
AMST 3249History of Iowa and the Midwest00000
ACB 8405Advanced Clinical Neuroanatomy00000
AMST 3430Women on Stage00000
ABRD 3501Study Abroad00000
AMST 4999Honors Project00000
ACCT 3100Professional Accounting Seminar00000
AMST 6300Writing for Learned Journals00000
ABRD 3030Iowa Regents Semester in Ireland00000
AMST 7994Independent Study00000
ACCT 3500Advanced Tax Topics00000
ANES 6054Obstetrical Anesthesia00000
ABRD 3607TEAN Australia: UNSW00000
ACCT 9120Design & Use of Cost Management Systems00000
ABRD 3070USAC Pau00000
ABRD 3271USAC Valencia Program00000
ABRD 3811AC Language and Area Studies Program00000
ACCT 9150Tax Research00000
ACTS 3080Mathematics of Finance I00000
ABRD 4001Lancaster University Exchange00000