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SOCI 371

Classical Traditions in Theory

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Reviews 2

Class Ratings

2Bad Class
1Very Boring

Professor Rating

1Awful Prof

Prof: Craig Meadows / Spring 2023

Jul 20, 2023

Comments on the course

See comment on the joke of a prof below

Course Content

Required for all sociology majors/minors, and offers some things to personally consider if at your own pace and comfort. But sociological theory isn't real sociology.

Comments on the professor

Extremely opinionated and self centred, admits he studied theory to escape real sociological research (shouldn't be in his position honestly), and is terrible at explaining (just makes his explanations long and complex). If he did his own exams he'd probably fail. Can't even explain simple exam instructions like 8 pages, can be single spaced (and a particular font?) but needs standard margins. Explains philosophy as if he wrote them himself so its hard to distinguish their arguments from his opinions, and its unclear where he brings the main points (if even mentioned at all)


These days Craig only teaches in summer. It'll be fine to get done and over with then. Otherwise Ana Vivaldi is a more popular option

Delivery: In personGrade: ATextbook Use: No
Exam Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Ana Vivaldi / Fall 2022

Dec 10, 2022

Comments on the course

It's a required course so I can't say much. Readings can be hard to get through but depending on your prof it makes all the difference.

Comments on the professor

Ana is a great prof choice for this course, makes everything really easy to understand despite the difficult readings and also encourages connections to contemporary examples and criticisms

Delivery: In personWorkload: LightTextbook Use: No
Attendance HeavyEssay Heavy

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