CPSC 310
Introduction to Software Engineering
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Prof: Reid / Fall 2024
Feb 13, 2025
The concepts they teach are very important. The workload for the project is very heavy because of the limited hints and limited number of autogrades per day. The project has some relevant technology used in software engineering jobs, but in my opinion not all of the technology is relevant. The course site has notes which you can learn ahead of time. The slides could have been organized a bit better, as there were only 6 files for all the chapters and it was hard to keep track.
Learn Typescript and know some front-end framework like react. Next.js is also helpful for the last checkpoint.
Class Ratings
Prof: Reid / Winter 2019
Dec 26, 2020
most people skipped lecture for good reason; all the videos were online and the practice we did in class was mostly menial and kind of irrelevant to the project. The exams were 100 percent True/False. I did not enjoy the exams. The project on the other hand was pretty fun and being forced to teach yourself js/ts and restful apis is very useful if you ever plan on doing any sort of web dev.
don't focus so much on the project you forget about the lecture material - the exams can be tricky. Also, don't share code with other groups. Quite a few people in my class had to redo deliverables for a 0 grade because their code partly matched another group's.
Class Ratings
Prof: Elisa / Fall 2020
Dec 21, 2020
Really easy course, project is a bit of work but as long as you work on it this course is a breeze. Lecture material is alright, pretty basic and surface-level if you have done a co-op already.
Start deliverables early.
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