APSC 160
Introduction to Computation in Engineering Design
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Prof: Jonatan Schroeder & Christian Grecu / Winter 2020
May 4, 2021
A nice course that gave a good introduction to the world of coding. The profs were forgiving and gave many extensions to labs and worksheets and the content was manageable. My only complaint is that the lectures didn't feel very interesting, but this is mainly due to the flipped classroom approach that this class utilized.
Make sure to do the worksheets and practice working under stress and the midterms and exams feel really stressful as they don't give enough time to finish all the questions. The labs on the other hand are very similar to the prelab, so if you just do the prelab a day before your lab you will be fine.
Class Ratings
Prof: Jonatan Schroeder & Christian Grecu / Winter 2020
Mar 16, 2021
Fairly well taught class - it's how all flipped classrooms should be run. They reviewed concepts relatively well and took ample time to answer questions. Worksheets and labs were very manageable by just completing the screencasts. Midterms were easy, but the final required a bit more practice (my fault for overlooking the final and not studying). The material is useful and though you might not code in C for the rest of your life, the general concepts will be a great tool to have. I will say though, the second half of the course (DAQ) was slightly more disorganized than the first, but nothing too crazy.
Go through all screencasts, read the textbook material if you have time (textbook is more detailed as the screencasts may leave out some useful information). Most of the difficulty in exams come from trying to understand the question and understanding when to use different functions. Practice previous midterms, labs, worksheets in preparation for the final.
Class Ratings
Prof: Geoffrey Tien & Cristian Grecu / Fall 2020
Jan 14, 2021
Although the textbook was optional, it was helpful for me. Easy and fun for students without any coding experience like me.
No need to panic for weekly labs and exams! Just enjoy it.
Class Ratings
Prof: Geoffrey Tien & Cristian Grecu / Fall 2020
Dec 27, 2020
Overall pretty fun and easy course. Screencasts were great but lectures were often such a waste of time I stopped going second half of the semester. It's taught to an introductory level so coding experience doesn't matter at all.
The best way to learn the material is to play around with different things and get comfortable coding. The rest is just being able to problem solve and think logically under pressure.
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