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UAlabama Course Reviews

University of Alabama

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CS 201Data Structures and Algorithms2.
CS 470Computer Algorithms2.323.33.73
CS 100CS I for Majors42.5452
ENGR 123Engineering Foundations Honors2.542.522
CS 300Operating Systems31.5432
ME 450Dynamic Machine Components35431
EC 309Intermediate Macroeconomics54441
AEM 249Algorithm Devl Implementation32141
TH 141Acting I35331
SPE 300Survey Spe Accomd Stratg45551
CS 403Programming Languages33221
ENGR 103Engineering Foundations55431
TH 114Intro To The Theatre44431
ENGR 161Small-Scale Eng. Graphics55551
TH 245Tch Theatre: Performance55551
GEO 101The Dynamic Earth23111
COM 123Public Speaking44241
ENGR 171Large-Scale Eng. Graphics44341
MATH 100Intermediate Algebra24211
ECE 225Electric Circuits23221
CS 200Software Design and Engineering34341
CS 101CS II for Majors45351
MATH 125Calculus I43431
TH 220Fundamentals of Stagecraft55451
UH 100Honors Year One: Honors Connections43311
TH 233Beginning Costume Design44551
PY 101Intro To Psychology43341
CS 301Database Management Systems44331
CS 443Digital Forensics54541
EC 308Intermediate Microeconomics42441
MATH 126Calculus II43351
CS 121The Discipline of Computing55321
CE 121Intro Civil Constrctn Envir Eg33251
AFS 301Leadership Laboratory00000
AEM 351Aerospace Structures Laboratory00000
AFS 470Natl Security & Ldrship00000
AHE 510The Community College00000
AC 547Data Analytics for Accounting00000
AEM 413Compressible Flow00000
AHE 550Financing Higher Eductn00000
AHE 601Professional Sem High Ed00000
AEM 428Space Propulsion00000
AHE 645Higher Education and Student Affairs Assessment00000
AHE 699Dissertation Research00000
AC 310Fin Rptg & Anyls of Bus Actv I00000
AC 582State And Local Taxation00000
AEM 453Multiscale Analysis of Advanced Composites00000
AIL 605Interact Multimedia Proc00000
AIL 699Dissertation Research00000
AEM 469Orbital Mechanics00000
AMS 105St: American Folk Music Now00000
AMS 203Southern Studies00000
AC 620Acctg Research Sem I00000
AEM 484Space Environment00000
AMS 215Introduction to Urban Studies00000
AMS 303Education Of Southern Blacks00000
AEM 492SP: Remote Sensing00000
AMS 323Into the Wild00000
AFS 202Leadership Laboratory00000
AEM 313Aerodynamics00000
AFS 360Leadrshp & Communication00000
AC 532Corp Governance Risk Assessmt00000
AHE 503Learning with Technology in Higher Education00000
AEM 402Integrated Aerospace Design I00000
AHE 530Law & Higher Education00000
AC 210Intro To Accounting00000
AHE 592Internship in Higher Education00000
AEM 417Aircraft Systems00000
AHE 625Community College Leadership00000
AC 561Accounting Business Management00000
AHE 685Implementing Multicultural and Diversity Initiatives in High...00000
AEM 451Aircraft Structural Design00000
AIL 602Electrnc Instruct Design00000
AAST 402Freedom Beyond Rights00000
AIL 689Practicum Instructional Tech00000
AEM 461Computation Method Aero Struct00000
AMS 102Special Topics00000
AC 593Res & Communicatn Taxation00000
AMS 151Intro American Studies: World Nation & Region00000
AEM 475Fundamentals of Aeroelasticity00000
AMS 206Native American Studies00000
AC 352Corporate Financial Reporting00000
AMS 232Honors Contemporary America00000
AEM 488Advanced Space Propulsion and Power00000
AMS 318Amusement and Tourism00000
AC 650Directed Research00000
AMS 336Rock, Soul, Hip-Hop and Country00000
AEM 500Intermediate Fluid Mechanics00000
AMS 350Honors Women in the South00000
AMS 400Intern: Children's Literature00000
AAST 31919th Century Black History00000
AAST 435Black Feminism00000
AC 389Accounting Information Systems Development, Operation, and C...00000
AEL 633Leading, Developing, and Mentoring for Adult Learners00000
AEM 514Experimental Aerodynamics00000
AMS 405DS: Southern Autobiography00000
AMS 412On The Road00000
AEM 516Helicopter Theory00000
AMS 422Popular Culture in America00000
AMS 430Adv Stdy African American Lit00000