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UA Course Reviews

University of Arizona

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AME 564AMechanics of Deformable Solids42441
ACBS 160D1Human and Animal Interrelationships from Domestication to th...43421
GER 101Beginning German I45441
MAS 150B2Social Justice54551
PCOL 406Comprehensive Human Pharmacology43451
PCOL 310Drug Approval: The 3 Billion Dollar Bet45441
SBS 200Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences44341
HUMS 150B1Mind-Altering Substances in the Ancient World55541
PCOL 530Introduction to Molecular Therapeutics and Drug Discovery54451
PCOL 305Scientific Writing for Health Science Students41451
PHIL 160D2Mind, Matter and God43531
ATMO 170A1Introduction to Weather and Climate44321
AME 500AAdvanced Engineering Analysis42441
ACBS 391Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences Preceptorship00000
ABE 586Biomaterial-Tissue Interactions00000
ACBS 400AAnimal Anatomy and Physiology00000
ACBS 419Immunology00000
ABE 485Remote Sensing Data and Methods00000
ABE 696BGraduate Seminar II-Non Presenting00000
ACBS 433Advanced Racing Laws and Enforcement00000
ACBS 447Legal Environment of Business00000
ABS 599Independent Study00000
ACBS 468BBioeconomy, Marketing and Business Principles00000
ACBS 475Equine Enterprises00000
ABE 413Applied Biostatistics00000
ABE 498ASenior Capstone: Biosystems Engineering Design I00000
ACBS 195FCareers in Veterinary Science00000
ACBS 493Internship00000
ACBS 377Food Toxicology00000
ABE 581AEngineering of Biological Processes00000
ACBS 396AJunior Livestock Judging Team00000
ABE 481AEngineering of Biological Processes00000
ACBS 406Diseases of Companion Animals00000
ABE 597CGreenhouse Pest Management: Methods and Practice00000
ACBS 428LMicrobial Genetics Laboratory00000
ABE 393Internship00000
ACBS 443Research Animal Methods00000
ABE 909Master's Report00000
ACBS 464APhysical Sciences for One Health00000
ABE 492Directed Research00000
ACBS 469BEthology, Evolution, Ethics and Animal Handling B00000
ACBS 142Introduction to Animal Racing Industry00000
ACBS 483Principles of Applied Primate Behavior and Captive Managemen...00000
ABE 221Introduction to Computer Aided Design00000
ACBS 498Senior Capstone00000
ACBS 210Introduction to Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation00000
ACBS 499Independent Study00000
ACBS 500AAnimal Anatomy and Physiology00000
ABE 423Biosystems Analysis and Design00000
ABE 506Modeling of Mass and Energy Flow in Soils00000
ACBS 271ATraining and Management of the Weanling00000
ACBS 273Developing the Training Foundation in Yearlings00000
ABE 516AStatistical Bioinformatics and Genomic Analysis00000
ACBS 285RPrinciples of Microbiology00000
ACBS 297BIntro to Competitive Livestock Judging00000
ABE 293Internship00000
ABE 427Computer Applications in Hydraulics00000
ABE 523Biosystems Analysis and Design00000
ACBS 299HHonors Independent Study00000
ACBS 370Form and Function of the Equine Athlete00000
ABE 580Introduction to Systems Biology00000
ACBS 380LFood Safety and Microbiology Laboratory00000
ABE 475AApplied Plant Physiology00000
ACBS 395BTopics in Applied Animal Behavior00000
ABE 583Controlled Environment Systems00000
ACBS 399Independent Study00000
ABE 299HHonors Independent Study00000
ACBS 403RBiology of Animal Parasites00000
ABE 589AFabrication Techniques for Micro- and Nanodevices00000
ACBS 410Animal Toxicology00000
ABE 482Integrated Engineered Solutions in the Food-Water-Energy Nex...00000
ACBS 423Mechanisms of Disease00000
ABE 693Internship00000
ACBS 431Equine Nutrition and Management00000
ABE 205Engineering Analytic Computer Skills00000
ACBS 441Race Track Organization, Structure and Financial Management00000
ABE 900Research00000
ACBS 445Nutritional Physiology and Metabolic Biochemistry00000
ABE 487Metagenomics: From Genes to Ecosystems00000
ACBS 456Aquaculture00000
ABE 920Dissertation00000
ACBS 466Principles of Disease00000
ABE 399Independent Study00000
ACBS 468ABioeconomy, Marketing and Business Principles00000
ACBS 102LIntroduction to Animal Science Laboratory00000
ACBS 471Risk Assessment, Management, and Communication00000
ABE 497CGreenhouse Pest Management: Methods and Practice00000
ACBS 481Principles of Applied Companion Animal Behavior00000
ACBS 193Internship00000
ACBS 491Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences Preceptorship00000
ABE 170A2Science, Technology and Environment00000
ACBS 497ARace Track00000
ACBS 199Independent Study00000
ACBS 498BSenior Capstone: Current Issues in the Animal Racing Industr...00000
ABE 499HHonors Independent Study00000
ACBS 302Management and the Human Side of Organizations00000
ABE 527Computer Applications in Hydraulics00000
ACBS 311Understanding Dog and Cat Behavior00000
ACBS 315LPhysiology of Reproduction Laboratory00000
ABE 452Globalization, Sustainability and Innovation00000