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TXST Course Reviews

Texas State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 1315Coll Algebra44341
CS 3358Data Strcts & Algm33441
ID 1320Design Graphics I11241
CTE 3370Introduction To Leadership15221
POSI 2320Funct Amer Govt33131
ANTH 4303Speech Sounds00000
AG 4381Ag Policy00000
ANTH 5311Sem Cultural Anth00000
ANTH 5361Qualitative Methods00000
AG 3308Organic Gardening00000
AGED 5314Spec Prob Aged00000
ANTH 7326Tech Methods Anth00000
ANTH 3358Evolutionary Anatomy00000
AG 4326Adv Ani Sci Rumint00000
ANTH 4381Paleopathology00000
AG 1445Basic Animal Sci00000
ANTH 5335Na Belief Systems00000
AG 5361Food Tech And Meat Science00000
ANTH 5390Directed Study00000
ACC 5680Internship00000
ARAB 1410Beginning Arab I00000
AG 3319Interntl Food00000
ANTH 2301Biological Anth00000
ANTH 3301Princ Of Cult Anth00000
ADED 5337Adult Literacy00000
AG 3331Reprod Farm An00000
ANTH 3307Evolution Thought00000
ANTH 3349The Incas00000
AG 4307Prof Dev In Ag00000
ANTH 3375GHuman Structure And Function00000
ADED 7337Adult Literacy00000
ANTH 4337Theory Ling Anth00000
AG 4361Ag Elec & Mech Sys00000
ANTH 5302Pract Teach Anthro00000
ACC 5375Bus Info Consult00000
ANTH 5320Rise Of Civilizatn00000
AG 5302Economics Of Agri Production00000
ANTH 5345Arch Of Mexico00000
AG 2383Intr To Ag Eco00000
ANTH 5373HApplied Anthropology Methods00000
AG 5399AThesis00000
ANTH 7301BPrimate Conservation00000
ACC 5315Topics In Fin Acc00000
ANTH 7376Forensic Analysis00000
AGED 5599BThesis00000
ARAB 2320Intermed Arabic II00000
ADED 5322Hr & Professional Development00000
ANTH 2415Intro Archaeology00000
AG 3329Economic Entomology00000
ANTH 3304Bioarchaeology00000
ACC 5350Prof Acct Research00000
ANTH 3311Disease & Society00000
AG 3351Agr Mkt & Sales00000
ANTH 3315Archaeo Of Sw00000
ANTH 3322Peoples & Cul Afr00000
ADED 5343Org Learning & Development00000
AG 3375Mgmt Ag Mach Equip00000
ANTH 3327Anth Of Rel Fund00000
ANTH 3345Arch Mexico00000
AG 4304Landscape Mgt00000
ANTH 3352Language And The Body00000
ADED 5384Internship Aded00000
ANTH 3375DEvolutionary Anatomy00000
AG 4311Instr Methods00000
ANTH 3380Forensic Anth00000
ACC 5370Internship Acct00000
ANTH 4310Theory/Issues Anth00000
AG 4330Process Meats00000
ANTH 4361Fld Meth Cul Anth00000
ADED 7344Mlticltrl Perspctv00000
ANTH 5199BThesis00000
AG 4371VGreen Rev & Agril Dev In As00000
ANTH 5306Anth & Art00000
ACC 3385Accounting Stms00000
ANTH 5315Artifact Analysis00000
AG 4401Genetics Breeding Crop Selec00000
ANTH 5326Forensic Field Met00000
AG 2373Intro Ag Engr00000
ANTH 5340Paleoanthropology00000
AG 5323Compost And Int Res Mgmt00000
ANTH 5353Applied Cultural Anthropology00000
ACC 5390KOil And Gas Tax00000
ANTH 5373JDental Anthropology00000
AG 5370Spec Prob Tech Ag00000
ANTH 5376Skeletal Bio Part II00000
AG 3304Prop Hort Plants00000
ANTH 5399AThesis00000
AG 5999BThesis00000
ANTH 7310Theory Anth00000
ACC 2361Intro To Fin Acc00000
ANTH 7351Gis In Anthro00000
AGED 5330Rsch Mthds In Aged00000
ANTH 7398Collaborative Res00000
AG 3314Animal Health00000
ANTH 3331FNonverbal Comm-Gesture00000
AG 4185Independent Study00000
ANTH 3331DDental Anthropology00000
ANTH 3336Community Res Proj00000
ANTH 2101Biological Anth Lab00000
AAS 2310Intro African American Studies00000