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Tech Course Reviews

Tennessee Technological University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSC 1300Intro/Prob Solv-Comp Prog (ME,MET,ECE)45551
CSC 4100Operating Systems31441
CSC 2700Discrete Structures for CSC32331
CSC 2100Intro/Prob Solving-Comp Prog00000
CSC 2111Data Structures/Algorithms Lab00000
CSC 2310Object-Oriented Prgrming/Dsgn00000
CSC 2560Networks Info Technologists00000
CSC 2901Spl Top: Development of CPTC Playbook00000
CSC 3030Pract/Prof Issues-Comp Sci00000
CSC 3220Fundamentals of Data Science00000
CSC 3410Comp Org/Assemb Lang Prog00000
CSC 3710Foundations/Computer Science00000
CSC 4220Data Mining/Machine Learning00000
CSC 4570IT Security00000
CSC 4610Software Engineering I00000
CSC 4750Computer Graphics00000
CSC 4803Ind Study: Cyber Training & Assessment00000
CSC 4990Computer Science Internship00000
CSC 5200Computer Networks00000
CSC 5320Computer Architecture00000
CSC 5580Software Reverse Engineering00000
CSC 6220Data Mining00000
CSC 6300Web-Based Database Systems00000
CSC 6580Advanced Reverse Engineering00000
CSC 6780Distributed Computing00000
CSC 6901Advanced Topics00000
CSC 6910Computer Science Seminar00000
CSC 7210Anomaly/Intrusion Detect Sys00000
CSC 7720Distributed Operating Systems00000
CSC 7980Dir Stdy: Knowledge Discovery00000
CSC 1200Principles of Computing00000
CSC 1610Discrete Struc For Csc00000
CSC 2110Data Structures/Algorithms00000
CSC 2120Object-Oriented Prgrming/Dsgn00000
CSC 2400Design of Algorithms00000
CSC 3020Numerical Methods00000
CSC 3100Web Programming00000
CSC 3230Healthcare Data Analytics00000
CSC 3550Systems Programming00000
CSC 4010Programming Languages00000
CSC 4200Computer Networks00000
CSC 4320Computer Architecture00000
CSC 4575Info Assurance & Cryptography00000
CSC 4620Software Engineering II00000
CSC 4760Parallel Programming00000
CSC 4901Hon Special Topics: Recommender Systems00000
CSC 5010Programming Languages00000
CSC 5220Data Mining/Machine Learning00000
CSC 5400Analysis of Algorithms00000
CSC 5575Info Assurance & Cryptography00000
CSC 5903Distributed and Cloud Computing00000
CSC 6240Math/Theory-Machine Lrning00000
CSC 6575Internet Security00000
CSC 6740Parallel/Distributed Algorithm00000
CSC 6803Dir Ind Study: Intro to Blockchain00000
CSC 6980Masters Project00000
CSC 7240Intelligent Information Sys00000
CSC 7750High Performance Computing00000
CSC 7990Research and Dissertation00000
CSC 1310Data Structures and Algorithms00000
CSC 2101Prob Solv & Comp Prog Lab00000
CSC 2121Object-Oriented Prgm-Dsgn Lab00000
CSC 2500Unix Laboratory00000
CSC 2710Foundations of CSC00000
CSC 2903Intro to Cybersecurity and Privacy00000
CSC 3040Profsnlsm, Comm, Rsrch in Comp00000
CSC 3300Database Mgmt Systems00000
CSC 3560Information Storage & Mgmt00000
CSC 4040Undergrad Computing Rsrch Exp00000
CSC 4240Artificial Intelligence00000
CSC 4400Analysis of Algorithms00000
CSC 4580Software Reverse Engineering00000
CSC 4710Dsgn/Dev-Human/Web Interface00000
CSC 4770Distributed & Cloud Computing00000
CSC 4903Special Topics: Project INSuRE00000
CSC 5100Operating Systems00000
CSC 5240Artificial Intelligence00000
CSC 5570IT Security00000
CSC 5760Parallel Programming00000
CSC 6230Machine Learning00000
CSC 6400Internet Algorithmics00000
CSC 6720Internet Protocols00000
CSC 6801Dir Ind Study: ML and Text Processing00000
CSC 6903Advanced Analysis of Algorithms00000
CSC 6990Research & Thesis00000
CSC 7575Cyber-Physical System Security00000
CSC 7970Selected Topics in Next Gen Comm Net00000