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PSYC 366

Psychology and Environmental Sustainability (3)

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Class Ratings

2Bad Class
3Avg. Difficulty
1Very Boring

Professor Rating

2Bad Prof

Prof: Michael Schmitt / Fall 2023

Dec 9, 2023

Comments on the course

It was soooo environmental based, he spent probably 5% of the time talking about actual psychology for a psychology course. This was a glorified Rem course, and then he wants you to write a paper on something he never taught. If you want a paper on psychological theories, maybe you should actually teach the class about them rather than talking about solely CO2 and how spending time in nature is good for you. Like ok thanks we already knew that, don’t need to make a whole class on it. Do NOT waste your time unless you literally want to plant trees when you grow up- this has nothing to do with psychology.

Course Content

Purely basically that spending time outside and with people is good for you, hence why he forces people into coming to his lectures with lame excuses for participation being worth 5% of your grade. Not useful, literally one of the least enriching “psychology” courses I’ve ever taken. It LITERALLY was just a class based on the environment.

Comments on the professor

I’m not going to lie or skirt around the issue, the professor was incredibly annoying this semester. I’m not sure if he always teaches this class or what, but I have never met a more self righteous, preachy person in my entire life. He can’t answer an email without a weirdly snarky response that doesn’t actually tell you what you’re asking, yet in class will pretend he loves and adores everyone. No. Also the TA, William Fox, was unpleasant with a sour face during exams and graded really harshly. Which again, is crazy, wondering we are not environmentalists and are studying PSYCHOLOGY! If you wanted to preach about trees and granola, you should’ve been a REM professor. I just can’t wrap my head around it.


Don’t. Just do not. You’ll be forced into going to every class, and I’m pretty sure this annoying professor is the only one who teaches it. He also likes to mumble his way through lectures, interspersing it with lots of “yeah” and “um” so If you like a socially inept public speaker with a matching TA, enjoy!

Delivery: In personGrade: Not sure yetWorkload: LightTextbook Use: No
Attendance HeavyParticipation HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Prof: Michael Schmitt / Fall 2020

Aug 21, 2021

Comments on the course

A fun and extremely easy psychology course about environmental sustainability. The lectures and discussions are insightful, and the peer-review paper is super easy.


Pay attention to the lectures and do all the readings as the concepts and research will appear on the quizzes.

Grade: AWorkload: 12hrs/weekTextbook Use: No

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