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Purdue Course Reviews

Purdue University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MGMT 20010Business Accounting3.
MGMT 20000Introductory Accounting43441
MGMT 45500Legal Background For Business I32341
MGMT 32400Marketing Management00000
MGMT 69200Managerial Communication Skills00000
MGMT 10000Introduction To Management00000
MGMT 19000Freshman Level Problems In Management00000
MGMT 19200Cooperative Work Experience II00000
MGMT 19500Cooperative Work Experience V00000
MGMT 20100Management Accounting I00000
MGMT 28500Knowledge Management00000
MGMT 29050Professional Internship00000
MGMT 29500Professional Career Management00000
MGMT 30600Management Science00000
MGMT 68400Information Risk Management00000
MGMT 35400Legal Foundations Of Business I00000
MGMT 38200Management Information Systems00000
MGMT 39000Junior Level Problems In Management00000
MGMT 39030Industrial Management Internship00000
MGMT 39060Human Resource Internship00000
MGMT 39090Marketing/Sales Internship00000
MGMT 40500Six Sigma And Quality Management00000
MGMT 41300Corporate Finance00000
MGMT 42110Marketing Analytics00000
MGMT 42300New Product Development00000
MGMT 42610Brand Management00000
MGMT 62600Seminar In Marketing Models00000
MGMT 57000Spreadsheet Modeling And Simulation00000
MGMT 57300Optimization Modeling With Spreadsheets00000
MGMT 59100Launching Global Leaders00000
MGMT 60100Managerial Accounting00000
MGMT 60600Seminar In External Reporting I00000
MGMT 60900Seminar in External Reporting II00000
MGMT 61200Financial Management III00000
MGMT 61601Seminar In Capital Markets I00000
MGMT 61801Seminar In Managerial Finance I00000
MGMT 61901Seminar In Managerial Finance III00000
MGMT 62100Marketing Management II00000
MGMT 68800Developing A Global Business Strategy00000
MGMT 63400Business Law For Accountants00000
MGMT 63500Accounting Information Systems00000
MGMT 64100Options And Futures00000
MGMT 64400Venture Capital And Investment Banking00000
MGMT 65500Competitive Strategy00000
MGMT 66000Introduction To Operations Management00000
MGMT 66700International Operations Management00000
MGMT 67100Quantitative Methods II00000
MGMT 68000Introduction To Information Technology00000
MGMT 44429Employee Relations And Performance Management00000
MGMT 64200Portfolio Management00000
MGMT 61000Financial Management00000
MGMT 61400Investments00000
MGMT 61602Seminar In Capital Markets II00000
MGMT 61701Seminar In Capital Markets III00000
MGMT 61802Seminar In Managerial Finance II00000
MGMT 61902Seminar In Managerial Finance IV00000
MGMT 62200Marketing Strategy00000
MGMT 62500Marketing Research00000
MGMT 63100The Legal And Social Foundations Of Management II00000
MGMT 63410Communications For Accountants00000
MGMT 63800Pricing Strategies And Analysis00000
MGMT 60700Seminar in Internal Accounting00000
MGMT 64500Mergers, Acquisitions, And Corporate Control00000
MGMT 65000Strategic Management I00000
MGMT 65700Manufacturing Strategy And Process Innovation00000
MGMT 66100Management Of Operating Systems00000
MGMT 66900Operations Management: Practice And Models00000
MGMT 67200Advanced Business Analytics00000
MGMT 68200Digital Business And Information Strategies00000
MGMT 68600Knowledge Management Systems00000
MGMT 69000Advanced Problems In Management00000
MGMT 69900Research PhD Thesis00000
MGMT 51100Fixed Income Securities00000
MGMT 56000Manufacturing Planning And Control00000
MGMT 44710Competitive Strategy00000
MGMT 45200Manufacturing Strategy And Process Innovation00000
MGMT 45600Legal Foundations For Business II00000
MGMT 45900International Management00000
MGMT 46300Supply Chain Analytics00000
MGMT 47000Transport Management I00000
MGMT 48000Elements Industrial Management00000
MGMT 48800Electronic Commerce And Information Strategies00000
MGMT 50400Tax Accounting00000
MGMT 50700Advanced Federal Income Taxes00000
MGMT 44310Managing Human Capital Globally00000
MGMT 52200New Product Development00000
MGMT 53000Financial Statement Analysis00000
MGMT 54400Database Management Systems00000
MGMT 54700Computer Communications Systems00000
MGMT 56100Logistics00000
MGMT 56500Strategic Sourcing And Procurement00000
MGMT 57200Six Sigma And Quality Management00000
MGMT 59000Directed Readings In Management00000
MGMT 59699MS Internship00000
MGMT 60200Valuation And Financial Statement Analysis00000
MGMT 58200Management Of Organizational Data00000
MGMT 48100Contemporary Management Philosophy00000
MGMT 49000Problems In Industrial Management00000
MGMT 50500Management Accounting II00000
MGMT 50900International Accounting00000
MGMT 52100Brand Management00000
MGMT 52500Marketing Analytics00000
MGMT 53200Forensic Accounting And Fraud Examination00000
MGMT 54600Decision Support And Expert Systems00000
MGMT 56200Project Management00000
MGMT 56600Global Supply Chain Management00000
MGMT 57100Data Mining00000
MGMT 47100Transport Management II00000
MGMT 60000Accounting For Managers00000
MGMT 60300Taxes And Business Strategy00000
MGMT 60800Selected Research Topics In Accounting00000
MGMT 61100Advanced Corporate Finance00000
MGMT 61500International Financial Management00000
MGMT 61702Seminar In Capital Markets IV00000
MGMT 61900Seminar In Managerial Finance II00000
MGMT 62000Marketing Management00000
MGMT 62300Business Marketing00000
MGMT 63000Legal And Social Foundations Of Management00000
MGMT 40100Krannert Executive Forum00000
MGMT 19300Cooperative Work Experience III00000
MGMT 24200Contemporary Problems In Personal Finance For Minorities00000
MGMT 28800Programming For Business Applications00000
MGMT 30400Introduction To Financial Management00000
MGMT 31000Financial Management00000
MGMT 35000Intermediate Accounting I00000
MGMT 36100Operations Management00000
MGMT 38299Professional Practice Co-Op II00000
MGMT 39010Accounting Internship00000
MGMT 39040Economics Internship00000
MGMT 39070Management Information Systems Internship00000
MGMT 63401Communications For Accountants00000
MGMT 41100Investment Management00000
MGMT 41500International Financial Management00000
MGMT 42210International Marketing00000
MGMT 42500Marketing Research00000
MGMT 44301Management Of Human Resources00000
MGMT 44428Human Resources Management00000
MGMT 44690Negotiation And Decision Making00000
MGMT 45100Strategic Management00000
MGMT 45800The Regulatory Process, Consumerism, And Public Policy00000
MGMT 46200Advanced Manufacturing Planning And Control Systems00000
MGMT 46100Management Operations00000
MGMT 39080Manufacturing, Operations, Supply Chain Internship00000
MGMT 40300Database Management Systems00000
MGMT 41200Financial Institutions And Markets00000
MGMT 41601Corporate Mergers And Acquisitions00000
MGMT 42310Global Marketing Management00000
MGMT 42710Digital And Social Media Marketing00000
MGMT 44362Leadership & Organizational Change00000
MGMT 44500Introduction To Investments And Portfolio Management00000
MGMT 44810Technology Strategy00000
MGMT 45300Labor And Employment Law00000
MGMT 45700Legal Background For Business II00000
MGMT 39050Finance Internship00000
MGMT 46400Logistics: Concepts And Models00000
MGMT 47200Advanced Spreadsheet Modeling And Simulation00000
MGMT 48400Management Of Entrepreneurial Ventures00000
MGMT 50300Advanced Accounting00000
MGMT 50600Auditing00000
MGMT 52000Pricing Strategy And Analysis00000
MGMT 52300Digital And Social Media Marketing00000
MGMT 53100Government/Not-For-Profit Accounting00000
MGMT 54500Systems Development00000
MGMT 17500Information Strategies For Management00000
MGMT 69100Special Problems In Management00000
MGMT 63900Advanced Auditing And Professional Practice00000
MGMT 64300Financial Risk Management00000
MGMT 64900Global Marketing Management00000
MGMT 65200Management Of New And Small Firms00000
MGMT 65900Strategic Management II00000
MGMT 66400Supply Chain Management00000
MGMT 67000Business Analytics00000
MGMT 67700Seminar In Quantitative Methods In Management Research00000
MGMT 68300Management Information Systems00000
MGMT 68700Design For Instincts: Social Networks and Engagements00000
MGMT 56400Management Of Service Operations00000
MGMT 19100Cooperative Work Experience I00000
MGMT 19400Cooperative Work Experience IV00000
MGMT 24300Contemporary Thought Of Minorities In Management00000
MGMT 29000Problems In Management00000
MGMT 30500Business Statistics00000
MGMT 32300Principles Of Marketing00000
MGMT 35100Intermediate Accounting II00000
MGMT 38199Professional Practice Co-Op I00000
MGMT 38399Professional Practice Co-Op III00000
MGMT 39020Management Internship00000