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Introduction to the Practice of Music Therapy

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Reviews 8

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Easy
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Rachael Finnerty / Fall 2022

Jan 3, 2023

Comments on the course

Everything was online and most questions were found on quizlet

Delivery: HybridGrade: B+Workload: LightTextbook Use: No
Quiz HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Rachael Finnerty / Fall 2022

Dec 13, 2022

Comments on the course

Great course + great professor! People have a different definitions of what a 'bird course' is, but for me bird courses are courses that are easy to do well in if you keep up with the lectures/readings. Based on that definition specifically, this course is bird (again, just my opinion)! The quiz and test questions are more than fair as they're always things that have been mentioned in lecture/readings.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: A+Workload: LightTextbook Use: No
Quiz Heavy

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Easy
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Rachael Finnerty / Fall 2020

Aug 25, 2021

Comments on the course

Super light

Grade: A+Workload: 2hrs/weekTextbook Use: No

Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Interesting
2Barely Useful

Prof: Rachael Finnerty / Winter 2020

Aug 25, 2021

Comments on the course

People say it's the ultimate bird course, but it's starting to get more difficult imo, the questions aren't straight from the test banks anymore like they used to be. Still, the content is easy and interesting enough for you to do well if you study, but if you're taking it only for it being a bird course, there's easier courses out there

Grade: A-Textbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

4Good Class
5Very Easy
5Very Interesting

Prof: Rachael Finnerty / Summer 2021

Aug 24, 2021

Comments on the course

Great course, especially if you have a particularly heavy workload with other courses and want to take an interesting but not overwhelming elective. The weekly quizzes weren't hard. The lectures were kinda boring and felt very long, but honestly, I just copied info from the slides, wrote info from the readings, and sometimes watched lectures, or at least skimmed through them to find more information on a particular topic.

Comments on the professor

Rachael is so great and so sweet. She is very accommodating and cares about her students. She knows her stuff too. It didn't feel like she was just reading notes word for word, she gets excited about teaching!


Do the readings. Some test questions ask about specific readings and stuff like that so it is really important to just read them. Also, if she assigns videos to watch or shows a youtube video in a lecture, take note of it because I had a question about a short youtube video I hadn't watched and I was very confused at the time lol

Grade: A+0Textbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

4Good Class
5Very Easy
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Rachael Finnerty / Fall 2020

Aug 24, 2021

Comments on the course

pretty interesting course but the lectures can feel very dragged out sometimes

Grade: A+0Textbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

4Good Class

Prof: Rachael Finnerty / Spring 2021

Aug 24, 2021

Comments on the course

Interesting class and very easy to do well in! Weekly quizzes with a midterm and exam.

Grade: A0Textbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Easy
5Very Interesting

Prof: Rachael Finnerty / Summer 2021

Aug 24, 2021

Comments on the course

super interesting but light content course!

Grade: A+0Textbook Use: Yes

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