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Human Nutrition for Life Sciences

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4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Useful

Prof: Janet Pritchard / Fall 2020

Aug 28, 2021

Comments on the course

2N03 is a really interesting course if you’re keen on learning the basic principles of human nutrition and its impact on disease. The lecture content is PACKED with scientific studies so it’s important that you take good notes with key takeaways from each study as you go through them. Assignments are kind of a hit or miss depending on which TA grades your work but it’s easy to do well if you adhere strongly to the guidelines and rubrics. When I took the course some TA’s penalized students for very tiny things (ex. not bolding the References title, leaving spaces between APA citations etc.) so make sure you pay attention to those things. Not a bird course, you definitely need to put the work in to do well, but you learn a lot that can be applied outside of academics so that was satisfying. more

Comments on the professor

Dr. Pritchard is a great professor, she truly cares about her students and is a fantastic lecturer. Her lectures were pretty interesting and I really liked the way she discussed scientific studies as it related to the course content. The only thing I didn't like too much were her slides, I found them pretty convoluted.


Definitely take time each week to organize your notes for each learning objective for the unit, this will help you a ton when studying for the final exam since you’re expected to know all of the studies discussed in class.

Grade: A+Workload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes

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