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Professor Joelle Cruz Reviews


Class Ratings

3OK Class
2Barely Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Joelle Cruz / Spring 2022

Jun 8, 2022

Comments on the course

If you've only known white people so far in your life, you will probably learn a lot. If you've experienced any amount of diversity at all, this class is for an easy A with very little practical application.

Course Content

Studying power dynamics within communication. Every person has a different kind of privilege(s), and they all interact and exist at the same time.

Comments on the professor

Kind, encouraging, very forgiving with assignment deadlines. Important assignments are not broken up in a useful way. Ex: final project has parts 1, 2, and 3. Confusing because part 1 also has a part 1 and 2, part 2 has a part 1 and 2, etc. It is difficult to know which thing she wants.


You need to force your professor to make explicitly clear which section of an assignment is due at a given time. Do the readings, even though they are often useless. Several of them are literally about feminism from a perspective of a black lesbian Marxist. That's fine, but the likelihood that it will ever be relevant to a job outside of academia is low.

Course: COMM 3410Delivery: In personGrade: A-Workload: LightTextbook Use: Yes