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WSSU Course Reviews

Winston-Salem State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AAS 2302Politics of Africa00000
AAS 2312Afrocentric Wisdom and Values00000
AAS 2316Black Female Identity Through Time00000
AAS 4020Study Abroad in the Discipline00000
AAS 2020Study Abroad in the Discipline00000
AAS 2314Shades of Black00000
AAS 3305African International Relations00000
AAS 2305African Diaspora Studies00000
AAS 2315Language, Literacy and Liberation in Africa00000
AAS 3320The Black Radical Tradition00000
AAS 1301Introduction to Africana Studies00000
AAS 2303African Political Thought00000
AAS 2311Mas, Resis Nar/Afr Am Cul Text00000
AAS 2325Hip Hop and African American Culture00000
AAS 4324Senior Seminar in African and African American Studies00000
AAS 2301Introduction To African/African-American Studies00000
AAS 2313From Back Stage Through Center Stage: Black Female Playwrigh...00000
AAS 3020Study Abroad in the Discipline00000
AAS 4301Latin American Political Thought00000