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Wellesley Course Reviews

Wellesley College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BISC 365Thesis00000
CHEM 320Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory00000
ARTH 369Sem: Conservation Studies00000
BISC 210Marine Biology with Laboratory00000
ARTS 323Advanced Graphic Projects: Theories of Travel and the Print00000
ARTH 290Pompeii00000
CAMS 286Fantasy Factories: Film and Propaganda in Nazi Germany and B...00000
ANTH 250HResearch or Individual Study00000
ARTS 218Painting I00000
ARAB 201Intermediate Arabic00000
BISC 109Human Biology with Laboratory00000
ASTR 203Planetary Geology & Geophysics00000
ARTH 243Building an Empire: Roman Architecture as Cultural Heritage00000
BISC 316Molecular Genetics w/Lab00000
ANTH 102Introduction to Biological Anthropology00000
CAMS 225From the Fairground to Netflix: Cinema in the Public Sphere.00000
ARTH 326Art and Plague in Early Modern Europe00000
CHEM 103Elements and the Environment00000
AMST 218Religion in America00000
CHIN 103Advanced Beginning Chinese I00000
ANTH 319Nationalism, Politics, and the Use of the Remote Past00000
ARTS 260Moving Image Studio00000
AMST 242American Reckonings: Race, Historical Memory, and the Future...00000
ASTR 100Life in the Universe00000
ARCH 360Senior Thesis Research00000
BIOC 331Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems: The Fundamental Mo...00000
ASTR 311Advanced Astrophysics00000
ARTH 231Architecture and Urbanism in North America00000
BISC 113YFirst-Year Seminar: Exploration of Organismal Biology with L...00000
AMST 330Asian American Domesticities00000
BISC 303Reproductive Medicine Seminar00000
ARTH 251The Arts in Renaissance Italy Before and After the Black Dea...00000
BISC 336Seminar: Immunology00000
AMST 116Asian American Fiction00000
CAMS 208Writing for Television00000
ARTH 315The Object of Performance: From Theory to Practice00000
CAMS 241Asian/American Women in Film00000
ANTH 217Peopl,Cult&Pols of the Balkans00000
CAMS 324Film Genre, Genre Films00000
ARTH 337Sem: Song Imperial Paint Acad00000
CHEM 223Fundamentals of Biochemistry with Laboratory00000
AFR 292African Art and the Diaspora: From Ancient Concepts to Postm...00000
CHEM 350Research or Individual Study00000
ARTS 111Color Theory00000
CHIN 203Advanced Intermediate Chinese I00000
AMST 231Americans in Paris: Race, Gender and Sexuality in the City o...00000
ARTS 222Print Methods: Typography/Book Arts00000
ANTH 345Introduction to Ethnomusicology: The Anthropology of Music00000
ARTS 314Advanced Drawing00000
AFR 299Seminar: Caribbean Cultural Expressions and the Diaspora00000
ARTS 366Advanced Digital Projects “Narrative Space- The Constructi...00000
ARAB 305Arabic Translation Workshop00000
ASTR 107Exploring the Cosmos: Introductory Astronomy w/Lab00000
AMST 262American Literature to 186500000
ASTR 250HResearch or Individual Study00000
ARTH 200Architecture and Urban Form00000
BIOC 320Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory00000
ASTR 370Senior Thesis00000
ARTH 225Modern Art Since 194500000
BIOC 370Senior Thesis00000
AMST 315Beats, Rhymes, and Life: Hip-Hop Studies00000
BISC 111TIntroductory Organismal Biology with Laboratory (Tropical Is...00000
ARTH 238Chinese Art and Architecture00000
BISC 202Evolution with Laboratory00000
AFR 350Research or Individual Study00000
BISC 247Plant Diversity & Eco w/Lab00000
ARTH 247Introduction to Islamic Art and Architecture00000
BISC 310Seminar: Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems00000
AMST 370Senior Thesis00000
BISC 329Biological Microscopy with Laboratory00000
ARTH 262African American Art00000
BISC 347Adv Plant Div and Ecol w/Lab00000
AFR 256Cultures of the Portuguese-Speaking World through Film, Musi...00000
CAMS 138Photography I00000
ARTH 309Sem: Modern Houses of Worship00000
CAMS 220Decolonizing Film History00000
ANTH 207Introduction to Human Evolution00000
CAMS 234The Art of Screenwriting00000
ARTH 321Seminar. Making Space: Gender, Sexuality and the Design of H...00000
CAMS 255Dynamic Interface Design00000
AMST 161Introduction to Latina/o Studies00000
CAMS 310Film Festivals: Art House Aesthetics and Alternative Distrib...00000
ARTH 331Sem: Rembrandt00000
CAMS 343Sem:Tpc: Melodramatic Trad.00000
ANTH 238The Vulnerable Body: Anthropological Understandings00000
CHEM 116Fundamentals of Chemistry and Molecular/Cellular Biology wit...00000
ARTH 346Seminar: Poetic Painting in China, Korea, and Japan00000
CHEM 303Seminar: Aquatic Chemistry00000
AFR 217The Black Family00000
CHEM 330Physical Chemistry I with Laboratory00000
ARTH 391Persuasive Images00000
CHEM 365Thesis00000
ANTH 281Anthropology of Death: Osteoarchaeological Approaches to Dea...00000
ARTS 165Introduction to the Moving Image00000
AFR 210African American History: From Reconstruction to the Present00000
AFR 242New World Afro-Atlantic Religions00000
AFR 312Sem: The political economy of natural resources in Africa00000
AMST 290Afro-Latinas/os in the U.S.00000
ARTH 217Historic Preservation: Theory and Practice00000
BIOC 223Fundamentals of Biochemistry with Laboratory00000